My Grandfather's family always visit each other on Christmas Eve. They had a tradition that some in our family continue to this day (in our own way). The first one to see a visitor tried to shout "Christmas Eve Gift!" before the visitor could shout it out. They all kept very small gifts (none had much money at all- very poor north Georgia farming people) like pop corn balls, homemade candy, etc. for the first to greet anyone with their special greeting.
So to you all- "Christmas Eve Gift!".
Now- I don't expect any gifts. But here is mine to you....
May this Christmas bring you peace, joy, love and togetherness. May your burdens be few and light. May your troubles be simple and easily solved. May you bring happiness to others as you travel.
Prayers for a more peaceful world! With more and more of us able to travel to our dream destinations, too!