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changing us to euros

Is it better to get euros through a bank in the US than waiting until your in europe?

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9369 posts

There are a number of threads currently running on this very topic, but I will state once more - the cheapest, easiest way to get euros is to get them out of an ATM at your destination. Some people are more comfortable getting a small amount in advance of their trip, and that's fine, but you will get a better deal at an ATM.

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11507 posts

Lynda, Nancys post is spot on.. no need to pre purchase Euros in States, get 100 euros to have on hand if you want, ( I usually arrive with that , but sometimes its just left over from previous visits) but no need to.. use ATM care do withdraw money from your checking account. Talk to you bank.

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1167 posts

Be sure to use a bank connected ATM to avoid higher fees and worse conversion rates.

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503 posts

Hello Lynda, We generally take about 100 euros with us - either from a previous trip or from the bank. Yes, you definitely get a bit better exchange rate at the ATM's but that isn't always true of the ones in airports and for me having euros when I land means one less thing I need to do right away. When we travel, we use a Capital One card (set up like a checking account) which we can use at virtually any ATM in Europe without a fee. I also bring 2 other "cash" cards that don't have foreign transaction fees associated with them and 2 other credit cards. My husband and I split up the cards between us - thus if one of us loses them/has them stolen, we aren't without funds. The one real key is to make sure you understand the fees associated with the cards you do bring - these days cards w/o foreign transaction fees are fairly common - but if none of yours are, apply for ones that don't charge fees!

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3 posts

Thank you so much for the shared wisdom and time you took to help me have a great trip:)