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Central Europe

Hello, fellow travellers! I’m hoping you are willing to help an overwhelmed and overexcited Canadian make some difficult decisions around what cities to see. A group of us are heading to Central Europe for the World Jr. Hockey Championship in Ostrava. The core of the trip is part of a package, but of course I’m tacking days on either end to get the most out of my trip to Europe!!! That being said, the cities that we are staying from Dec 25 - January 8 are locked in. Here’s what I know so far:

Dec 21: landing in Europe, city to be determined (TBD) but am leaning toward Bavaria. Initial thoughts were to make Nürnberg the home base for the first portion of the trip, but I’m eager to hear your thoughts!!
Dec 22 - Dec 24: TBD
Dec 25: rest of group landing in Krakow; I’ll fly/train/bus to meet them, depending on where I am. We’ll be staying in Krakow or Bielsko-Biala (trying to find out if there will be any place to eat in Bielsko or if we should stay in Krakow for the night?)
Dec 26: Hotel in Bielsko-Biala (BB); Canada Vs. USA in Ostrava (7PM, day is open...suggestions?)
Dec 27: BB, free day?, welcome reception in evening with larger tour group
Dec 28: guided tour in BB, in Ostrava by 3 PM, game at 7:00
Dec 29: Auschwitz (morning) with larger group, back to BB in afternoon (or splitting off from group to check out....suggestions?)
Dec 30: changing home base to Olomouc, hockey game at 3 PM
Dec 31: FREE DAY?? Game at 7 PM (Canada versus Czechia!!) and NYE in Olomouc
Jan 1: FREE DAY??
Jan 2: Open morning; quarter finals starting at 3 PM
Jan 3: day trip to Vienna
Jan 4: open morning; semi finals at 3 PM
Jan 5: open morning; finals (hopefully watching Canada win gold!!!! ;))
Jan 6: Bus to Prague, optional visit to hockey hall of fame and included city tour (but we can break off from the group if we feel like it)
January 7: free day, farewell dinner in evening
January 8: now I’m flying solo with no plans!!
Jan 9 and 10: TBD
Jan 11 departure :(

Phew!!!! So! I’ve read tons of the forum posts here and the number of cities and towns that I’d love to visit are overwhelming!!! Hoping you kind folks can make some suggestions for day trips, as well as some simple and not too chaotic paths for the beginning/end of the trip. I want to see a city or two in Bavaria that wasn’t destroyed in WWII, and am interested in learning about Germanic culture (not just the Nazi regime!). I’m not an overly experienced traveller (travelled extensively in NA and one trip each to Mexico and Spain); I’m not big on tourist traps; I love street art, architecture, visiting local artisans, and also have a camera attached to my face haha. Caves? Puppet shows? Opera houses? Castles? Fortified cities? Hidden gems? Any and all tips, tricks and suggestions are welcome!

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4684 posts

The fastest train journeys from Olomouc to Vienna appear to be over two hours and most are more like three and a half. That's too long for a day trip as far as I'm concerned.

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4637 posts

TBD is the airport code for Timbiqui in Colombia. Not the best choice to get to Ostrava. Ostrava itself has an airport. Day trip to Vienna from Olomouc? Too long a train ride. You would spend more time on train than in Vienna. Instead of flying to Colombia I would recommend fly to Vienna. From there go to Ostrava. There are few direct trains without changing. Three. To Gdynia, to Warszawa and to Katowice. Bavaria? Complicated logistics to get there. Use your time to see more than trains, railroad stations or airports. Prague has a lot of sights to see, you can go To Karlovy Vary (two hours by bus one way). Less than 10 km from KV - castle and town Loket. It somewhat resembles Cesky Krumlov but without tourists and closer to Prague.

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7 posts

Yup, it’s a long day trip. But it’s part of the package we purchased for the tournament, so we’re going! We’ve got lots of free days open though, any suggestions for day trips that you feel are close enough? The locations and pre-planned day trips for the 26th to the 8th are not flexible; we are going with a large group of Canadians and that is the set itinerary. We are looking for suggestions for the large blocks of free time within those dates, as well as suggestions for the 3-4 days on either side.

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7 posts

Well who knew that my abbreviation for, “to be determined” is also an airport code haha. We haven’t chosen what cities we’re flying into and out of on the 21st and the 11th. Waiting to see what you kind people have to suggest!

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15235 posts

I can suggest seeing towns "not destroyed in WW2 " elsewhere in Germany, have visited them. Those names I can recommend but don't know any in Bavaria..

I have "a camera attached to my face" so to speak too and have tourist written all me, easy for "them" to spot me out as such.

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1 posts

Jillion - I'm headed in the same direction about which you posted. Any trip tips? Things to avoid? What were your favorites and what would you pass on next time? Thanks, Crystal.