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CDW insurance for car rental - expensive

My husband is really balking at paying $600 for 15 days of CDW coverage for a car rental in Switzerland. He asked me to check with you all to see if anyone knows if there is a Canadian option or company to reduce the cost. I've already explored Gold Visa but it is not a good option because it does not include third party liability and our regular car insurance does not cover off North American continent for this. I've searched the Web for Canadian companies offering this and called my own insurance company. Also called my insurance provider for the medical/accident/evacuation/baggage/trip cancallaton insurance for this trip. No luck. Does anyone have any other ideas?



Posted by
850 posts

Karen, check with Andrew Bestor at I would give him a call. My Amex card covered my cdw and theft. I asked the him about the liability and was told the liability is included w/all rentals in Europe by law. You are protected for damage to people or property outside your vehicle. $0 deductible. I would call to make sure that is still the case and if so check with your credit card company to see if your are covered on the CDW and theft. If not it may pay to get a credit card that will cover that.

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1455 posts

Karen, i called American Express and mine covered CDW in Europe. I also added extra AMEX coverage for a flat fee of $19 which covers my entire rental experience.

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76 posts

If you waive the car rental company's CDW insurance in favor of CDW coverage using a credit card, don't rent from National-Citer. Just don't. If you must, ask me how I know...

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12313 posts

It's too bad you can't squeeze in a couple more days. At 17 days you can lease rather than rent. It's significantly cheaper and CDW is included in the price. When I leased it was about half of the rental price (not including the savings for free CDW).

Posted by
524 posts

Many credit cards provide this coverage if you purchase the rental using that card. Some people like to buy the coverage anyway for "peace of mind" and avoidance of paperwork hassles or whatever. For me, "peace of mind" is not paying for something when I already have it, so I rely on my card's coverage whenever possible.

However, there ARE exceptions to this coverage. For instance, my VISA card does not provide coverage in Ireland or Israel (and maybe one other - Portugal?). So it's good to call your credit card company and find out what coverage they provide.

Posted by
27 posts

This is all such great information. By reading all your replies I was able to determine that third party liability is covered in Europe by law (confirmed by Alamo, the rental company) and that my Visa Gold card will cover everything else including theft. So I feel good to go. Thank you all so much for your helpful information. By your combined efforts you`ve saved me $600. :)

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27 posts

One more thing, a lesson I will remember for next time. Lease for 17 days, don`t rent for 15!!!


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9369 posts

I will never again trust credit card insurance to pay for damage to a rental car. I verified everything before I left, followed the rules laid out by the credit card company, and when I had a little accident (less than $500 damage) they refused to pay. The rental company even went to bat for me against the credit card, but I ended up paying the bill.