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Carryon only and security

In the travel video, Rick recommends taking a carry-on bag with something like a swiss army knife. Was this video made pre-911 or is there some utility knife that is allowed through security?

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10344 posts

In case it needed saying twice (it probably didn't, but just for emphasis):

You aren't allowed to carry on a knife of any type (except for plastic or round bladed butter knives).

No wiggle room on this one.

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32324 posts


I agree with the others in that the video was probably made prior to 2001.

Another possibility is that while Rick may be able to travel with carry-on only when he's travelling personally, that's not the case when he's travelling for one of his "working trips". It would be easy for either Rick or one of his colleagues to pack the Swiss Army Knife in the checked luggage, along with the video gear and other kit that goes with them.

If you're interested in taking picnic utensils as carry-on, you might have a look at This Set in the Travel Store.


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12313 posts

I always carried a swiss army knife in my carry on prior to 9/11.

I was in Europe on 9/11 and actually forgot to get rid of my knife before flying home. Amazingly, I didn't realize it was there until I unpacked at home.

Now I don't pack one. I pick one up on my first day on the ground, then give it away before flying home.

It's too bad there isn't a place to donate one to incoming travelers (maybe USO would work for military).