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Carrying money to pay for hotel

The hotel I just reserved in Rome, reserved my booking with my credit card, however, they want me to bring "cash", euro with me and pay with that. I won't be going to Rome until the end of my two week trip. Any ideas how to keep a large amount of money safe while we travel by train to our first and second destinations before Rome?

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2207 posts

Mary, certainly a personal security system like a money belt or neck pouch will be perhaps the safest way to carry cash in Italy. For some other "security" options, some tips on protecting your vacation, and some of our personal experiences in Europe with pickpockets, you might read this article.

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3941 posts

Could you just wait and withdraw the money fr a bank machine when you get to Rome? Unless you have a daily limit that's too low...

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10545 posts

What Nicole said. And if your daily limit is too low, take it out of the ATM over the couple of days before you have to pay. I would keep it in a money belt, but see no reason to carry it around for an extended time. FYI, you might consider asking your bank to increase your daily limit while you are on your trip. My credit union always increases mine. If your limit is higher than an ATM allows, just make separate withdrawals to reach your limit.

Posted by
1170 posts

What Nicole and Andrea said. There is no need to take it out as soon as you arrive and have to worry about having a large sum of money on you. Am wondering why you thought you'd have to. We have to pay cash in some places while others we booked at and they're paid up on this side.

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799 posts

The hotels that we've paid for in cash in Rome are used to guests who don't want to walk around with a large amount in cash. We pay over several days, taking the cash limit out each day from the ATM closest to the hotel, then taking it to the hotel and paying. Then we don't have to worry about carrying around a large amount. Keep in mind that even if you increase YOUR bank withdrawal limit, the ATM has its own withdrawal limit.

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23548 posts

The ATM limit should not be a problem. Just make additional withdraws or use a second card (which you should have anyway). Also, we have rarely encountered ATM limits with ATMs attached to banks during open hours.

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11507 posts

Like everyone has said, you don't need to carry all your money around, use an ATM and get money out in Rome,, you may need to take it out over two days( have bank raise your daily withdrawal limit anyways) . There is no way I would carry a lot of money around ,, money belt or not.

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2829 posts

Mary, this is just me: I'd not stay in an establishment well within civilization (e.g., not a mountain hut in the middle of a Wilderness preserve in Idaho) that requires be to bring cash. Simple as that. At best, they have shoddy business practices (having c/c is a must to have in 2012) More likely, they are trying to avoid taxes and I'm not going to be complicit on that. At worst, they are running some money-laundering operation.

Posted by
1521 posts

Mary, it is very common for small family run hotels and b and b's to require cash payment. I have done it several times, and have 2 places on my upcoming trip that require cash. One of them actually is a mountain hut:) I think the fact that they require cash is no reflection on the quality of the establishment in any way! I agree with others - avoid carrying the cash throughout the whole trip. Just take enough cash out in the days leading up to the payment to cover the cost, and if you are staying at the hotel in Rome for an extended period then ask if they will allow you to pay every few days.

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11507 posts

Andre,, the hotel that our Rick Steves tour stayed in Rome had a cash policy.. you could pay by CC by got a cheaper rate paying cash. We,, like maybe 10 others on our tour arrived a few days ahead, stayed at the "tour" hotel and paid cash. Don't think RS uses shady joints. A hotel is not always trying to avoid taxes, but for a small hotel they may be trying to avoid paying fees attached to processing Credit and Debit cards,, the service is not free to businesses you know! One thing ,, ALWAYS get a receipt at time of payment. Always.

Posted by
24 posts

Thank you everyone for your wonderful responses. It helped me a lot because I honestly didn't even think about taking money out of the ATM while there! I feel relieved. Thank you.

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23548 posts

Andre, that is an over the top postings - ridiculous comments from someone who is pretending to have travel experience. We have stayed at many, many places over the past 18 years that preferred cash. Not all are crooks as you imply.

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3941 posts

Mary - sometimes the most obvious answer is the one most overlooked - especially when it comes to travel - in the excitement of planning, it's easy to forget the simple things :) Hope you have a blast - Rome was our first big trip ever in 2008 - amazing!

Posted by
24 posts

Thank you Nicole! Very refreshing, simple comment. :-)

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19237 posts

I've stayed in a lot of places in over 100 nights in eight trips over the last 11 years. Only one or two have accepted credit cards for payment, but then again none have required payment until checkout.