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Car rental travel

Is it feasible to rent a car in Tallin and travel through Estonia Latvia and Lithuania. We like to go to out of the way places.
We would fly into Tallin spend 3 nights. Then get the car rental. Suggestions for car rental companies. Open to itinerary ideas also.

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28358 posts

I think you'll find it very expensive to rent a car in Tallinn and drop it in a different country--at least, that's the overwhelming pattern reported here. However, if you can design a loop trip, I don't see any issue. The general suggestion is to explore car-rental options with the companies that work with a lot of agencies and often can give you a better price: AutoEurope, Kemwel and Gemut. Of course, you can also check directly with individual companies to see how the prices stack up.

Be care about manual vs. automatic transmission. Automatics are often much more expensive and far less available.

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18 posts

Thank you. Is it possible to take a car rented in Estonia to Latvia and Lithuania. Returning to original place rented in Estonia.

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5563 posts

Thank you. Is it possible to take a car rented in Estonia to Latvia and Lithuania. Returning to original place rented in Estonia.

Yes it is possible but it depends on the rental agency. Some may be happy for you to take the car out of the country others may not. You will need to check with individual agencies.