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Car chargers for phones, etc

Are the automobiles on the same voltage for car chargers everywhere? If not, what do you need to use a charger?

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712 posts

Our car charger for our cell phone worked in our rental cars in Europe. It also worked in the house boat we rented in France. (My husband says car batteries are 12 volt like in the USA.)

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345 posts

Marie - your husband is correct. 12 volts is the norm. We used our Garmin GPS two years in a row - just like using it at home.

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33477 posts

"Everywhere" is quite broad. While there is no problem in Europe with cars built in the last few decades, I can remember when I was younger seeing cars with 6 volt systems, cars with positive ground, buses and boats with 24 volt systems. That was in the US. I make no guarantees what you will come across. Your question gives no hint where you will be. You come across an old Trabant, who knows? If you could narrow down "everywhere" a little I believe you may get a more accurate answer.

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5 posts

Thanks, that is what I thought about the car chargers but wanted to be sure before I get too close to Italy this year. I will make sure to rent a newer car so there won't be any problems, thanks,

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9369 posts

Every car I have rented in Europe has had the same 12 volt power access as I have in my car at home.

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1630 posts

I was just wondering the same thing. Thanks for the answer!

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3696 posts

I also have a device that plugs into the car cigarette lighter and also has a conventional plug so I can charge my camera batteries or plug in my computer without an adaptor. It does weigh a few pounds, but its handy to have if you spend lots of time in the car and forget to charge your stuff.

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9110 posts

TK Go to any car parts store or electronics store and get a 150w inverter. Also get a pigtail that turns one lighter outlet into two. The whole mess weighs a fractional pound, will stiff you less than twenty bucks, and puts out more juice than you can use in a lifetime.