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Car and driver hire for 5 days in Brasov

We will take a tour with Gate1 to the Balkans (Romania-Bulgaria-Albania), but we will be there 5 days before the tour starts from Bucharest, and will be in Brasov for the entire 5 days. We would like to hire a driver to take us places, not necessarily a guide, so if you have any recommendations, please share.

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21543 posts

Compared to Western Europe a car and driver is reasonable in Romania. I've done it. I know someone who might work for you, but if not, she can probably direct you to another. I will send you a PM.

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5 posts

@geovagriffith, our Gate1 Tour won't stay in Brasov although will be visiting few places like Prahova Valley, Sinaia Monastery, Peles Castle, and returning to Bucharest. Our group will stay in Bucharest for 3 days before heading to Bulgaria, then Albania. I think it is different from your 6 day bus tour you mentioned in another post.

@ Mr É (economy, confused), thank you for your PM and I will respond with our information. You have traveled so many places, so it is great that you share lots of tips and information. I am very new to this forum to ask/post questions although have been reading a bit when we need to look for information in our recent travels.

Thank You both.

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21543 posts

PTQ, there are others here with a lot more experience than me. I would guess that geovagriffith is more traveled than I am. I generally comment on places I have been in the past few years as things change a lot. And in the past few years my travels have been pretty much limited to a half dozen countries in Eastern Europe. You just got lucky that I had any input.

Have a good trip. The forum is always here to help.