I canceled a Europe trip 8 days ahead that I had booked 11 days ahead. Let me elaborate a little:
Wasn't planning on Europe this summer, but started scrolling mileage flights. Found Seattle Dublin direct 55k miles business class. Great deal, and I've been wanting to cycle in Ireland, so I booked it.
I was really stoked about it for a couple days. But then there was a feeling of things missing.
I think I could have put together a plan, no problem, booked a return flight from any variety of places, no problem. Some of the travel I do in Europe is essentially unplanned, start riding the bike in the morning and decide where you end up the next night. Get a little inspiration about wanting to ride some cool section somewhere far off, just hop on a train.
But though I have traveled seat of pants full free-range, and enjoy it, I realized that I also enjoy the longer-term macro planning and anticipation of a trip. No doubt I could have gotten my stuff together without trouble and gotten on the plane, but I found myself missing the prep/dreaming time before the trip. I'd pay a little more for the flight, to be able to do a lot more reading and poking around.
The other thing that made me cancel is that I'm fully retired now. I think it hasn't fully sunk in that I can for the first time in my life. Do bigger international trips in Autumn. I thought to myself why not wait and take advantage of being a young retiree in autumn instead of leaving in late July and staying through a couple weeks in August?
Plus I have a couple of trips strung out over the rest of the summer. Bikepacking the Puget Sound San Juan Islands with an old friend in early September. 5 days with my backpacking crew closing my lake cabin in the Sierras into the first few days of October. I'm already looking forward to those trips. It felt like 2 or 3 weeks in Europe. A week from now was just getting in the way of that anticipation. It felt like the flow of life and state would be better with something on the horizon before New Year's in Japan. Not bang bang bang back-to-back trips and then nothing.
So anyway, don't construe as complaining! Just that this is the first time I've actually had a European trip booked and gone, nah I'll wait a while. It's the first time I think that I've been surprised by how retirement mindset is different from the previous "pack it all in when you see some daylight" working mindset.
I feel more relaxed already, going to explore some potential routes and learn some things between now and the middle of October when I think I might take another stab :)
Other retirees - any advice or anecdotes for how to adjust your travel to an endless(ish) open schedule?