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Campground guide book recommendations


I am taking a 7 week camping tour of Europe this summer. I'd like to purchase a guide book to campgrounds before traveling (a book that lists all the camping sites in a country). Does anyone have an recommended books?

We'll be traveling to 11 different countries so a "general Europe" book would be best.


Posted by
1158 posts

I don't know of any international campgrond book, I only know of the US one.It's a pretty big one.
Have you try Or just google it.
Just a tip: do a google search for campgrounds in each country you will be going to and print that info out. It's free and takes less room in your backpack.
FYI majority of people on this site stay in hotels, more expensive, so I am not sure how soon you will find here the info you asked for.
Good Luck!

Posted by
51 posts


I would suggest that you try "Caravan and Camping Europe 2008" published by AA. I just got it out from the library yesterday and it seems to be well organized and almost all of the campgrounds listed have websites, so you could check out pictures online.

Good luck!


Posted by
54 posts

Thanks. I just purchased it from Amazon.UK.

Posted by
1717 posts

Hello Ann. Are you a citizen of Slovakia ? Camping is a good way to see and experience a country. In Germany : I recommend a campground that is located north of Braubach at the Rhine River (location of the castle Marksburg). Camping there requires a reservation, months in advance. Will you go to Greece ? Camping sites are at a beach on the Greek island NAXOS (it is one of the best islands at the Agean Sea, and it has good beaches, south of Naxos town).