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Camera safety

Hello! I'm about to take my first trip to Europe (visiting Italy) and am trying to figure out what to do with my camera. I'm a picture fanatic so I like to have it handy but I'm worried about pick-pocketers. I'm buying a PacSafe bag, which looks great, but also seems like it might be a hassle for getting my camera out. A neck-strap seems like it might scream tourist. I'm considering using the neck strap to wind around my wrist, it seems a little less obvious that way. But I was wondering what those of you who have already been to Europe might think, what you have done with your camera in Europe and what suggestions you might have....

Thank you!

Posted by
73 posts

I bought from Pacsafe the camera strap they have.
I don"t care if is screams tourist because I am one.
I had also the bag too but I used my camera so much it was a hassle to keep taking it out. So I just kept it around my neck and under my coat when needed.
I took a little over 700 pictures so you see it was worth the look.

Posted by
989 posts

Don't worry so much about "screaming tourist". You're not going to fool anyone, and tourist really isn't a dirty word. They are going to KNOW your a tourist - believe me - by more than that camera around your neck. It's the most convenient place and it's safest there. I carried mine in my jacket pocket - it fell out, damamged the lens and that was that. I had to but a new camera in Germany - that was not part of my budget. This year I'll wear my camera aound my neck because I like to take a lot of pictures and I don't want to be contiuously digging around for my camera - you lose too many photo ops that way. Just have a wonderful time.

Posted by
668 posts

What kind o camera are you taking? My wife takes a digital camra which is not a DSLR, but fairly bulky. She carries it in her purse - a Tilley travel purse. I just take snapshots and carry a small point & shoot in its case which has a belt loop on it. It is always at hand and relatively secure.

Posted by
9369 posts

I carry my camera in a regular nylon Sportsac-type purse - no fancy mesh lining, no security locks, no cable straps. I carry it in my hand if I'm somewhere that I am going to use it, and drop it back in my purse when I'm done. Unless you plan to be in huge crowds or crowded public transportation, there is no need to go overboard with special bags.

Posted by
116 posts

A lot depends on your camera size--which you didn't share in your question. In a month long trip I take around 2,000 photos on my Canon Powershot A570 or A590. This is a compact digital camera that I carry on my belt with a Lowepro Apex 20 AW:
In this compact pouch I can also carry extra batteries and memory card. I wear it on my belt in the front so it is easy to access and keep track of while not being very obvious. It also comes with a strap. On my belt, sometimes it is underneath my shirt or sweater and totally hidden. makes good quality bags and can be ordered online (, etc.) and are carried at places like REI and Best Buy.

Posted by
32324 posts


I was in Italy last week with a rather large dSLR as well as a P&S, and had no problems at all (same as previous trips). You didn't specify what type of Camera you're using or which cities you're visiting in Italy?

In the larger cities and especially in crowded places, you'll need to practise more "situational awareness". Be aware of those around you. You should be able to recognize the "scammers" before too long.

You may want to read the appropriate chapter in Europe Through The Back Door on the topic of avoiding pickpockets, or the section on the Graffiti Wall (on this website).

Happy travels!

Posted by
2876 posts

We usually back up our photos to a photo website, under the theory that cameras can be replaced, but photos can't.

Posted by
92 posts

On my last two trips, I took a P&S Canon Powershot A590 and hooked the wrist strap to a 1" loose leaf ring that I attached to my daypack front strap. I put the camera in the water bottle pocket when not in use. When using the camera, the ring slid easily up and down the back pack strap. I did this for fear of dropping the camera more than for security, but it might work for that also. I was able to reach the camera out of the water bottle pocket without removing the backpack, so this was handy for me. Loose leaf rings also work well for clipping zippers together for some sense of security.

Posted by
689 posts

I'm with Nancy, as long as we're talking about a small digital camera. It stays in my pocket or in my purse.

Posted by
110 posts

No matter what you do you won't fool the locals. We're tourists and that's that. Don't worry about it. I've been to Germany twice and have never had a problem. The first time I had a P&S as well as a Sony Handycam video camera. The second time I went with the same video camera but upgraded my camera to a larger digital camera. This year I'll be in Italy with a full sized DSLR. Not sure about the video cam though. Just be aware of your surroundings and be smart. Have the attitude that everyone wants to steal your camera. One thing I never do is ask anyone to take our picture. If you have to do that pick someone you are sure to outrun :)

Posted by
12313 posts


Any chance you can tell us what type of camera you are bringing? It makes a difference on the advice I would offer.