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Calling my GSM phone in Europe from a non-GSM cell phone in the US

I'm going to be in Europe while my wife is in the US. We both have Verizon cell phones and a joint account. I'm aware the Verizon phones won't work in Europe; I'll need a quad-band unlocked GSM phone. I'm browsing Mobal, et al, looking at my choices. But once I have one, will my wife be able to call me on my GSM phone, with her Verizon non-GSM phone, while she's in the US? Or do both phones have to be GSM-capable for the call to go through?

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235 posts

She will be able to call you from any US phone as long as she has your number. I use Mobal. It's expensive, but to me it's worth it because you get to keep the same number no matter what country you are traveling in.

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32322 posts

Tom, Yes, your Wife will absolutely be able to call you on your GSM phone. All phones are basically connected to the same public switched phone network, so there are no restrictions between carriers, whether by "land llne" or cellular. One important point to note however, is that if you purchase a travel phone from "Mobal, et al", it will likely be equipped with a phone number from the U.K. Lichtenstein or other location in Europe. That means that your Wife would be dialling an international long distance call each time she phones you. Some of the travel phone firms are able to provide a local phone number in most parts of North America, which is "mapped" to the number in the travel phone. That means that people at home are able to call a local phone number (with no long distance) and the call is automatically forwarded to the travel phone. I believe Roam Simple offers this as an option, but you'll have to check their website for details. Not sure about the other firms. One question - are either of you familiar with text messaging? I've found that's the cheapest way to keep in touch, as sent text are usually only about 75¢ and received texts are usually FREE. One nice aspect of texting is that there are no concerns about the time difference. Either party can send a text when it's convenient, and the receiving party will receive it at a time that's convenient. Of course, texts are limited to 140-160 characters, so it's not the ideal medium for "long winded" message exchanges! Good luck with your search!

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1064 posts

Have you checked with Verizon about a loaner phone for your travels? Verizon also offers a few phones with global calling capabilities. You could keep your own phone number. But that is only an option if your contract comes up for renewal before your trip. Of course, the cheapest alternative is e-mail. If you don't mind not hearing the other person's voice, that actually works well because of the time differential. But then you have to take a laptop, netbook, iPad, etc.

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1152 posts

There are cheaper ways for your wife to call an international number, including ways that will work from her U.S. cell phone. It may involve calling a number and then calling another number from the number you called. Skype and other VOIP providers have ways to do this. You should check and see how much Verizon charges for making an international call. Some U.S. cell companies also offer international calling packages with lower rates.

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306 posts

Good suggestions, everyone. Thank you. I did check the loaner from Verizon. They will only loan it to me for 30 days or less. I'll be gone for 7 weeks.