Looking for a reasonably priced cafe ( brasserie) near Orsay to get lunch while waiting for check in at our rented apartment ( after a long international flight and with our rolling carry ons.
Right at the southwest corner of the museum - - Les Deux Musees, maybe. It's where I drink beer while the people I'm with go in damn art museums. I think it says brasserie on the awning, but I've never tried the grub.
Right at the entrance there is a lovely little cafe. I cannot remember the name, but I remember having a beautiful smoked salmon salad that was out of this world.
The neighbourhood is not exactly flush with choices. The lack of competition may help explain the wave of negative reviews on TA for Les deux musees. However this website http://www.cafesparis.com/en/search?commit=Search&q=musee+d%27orsay
can suggest a couple of alternatives in the area.
On Rue de Bellechasse, which runs between the two museums, there is a small snack shop with about five tables that advertises crepes, pizza,etc. but you can also get a good omlette with fries and green salad there, cheap. There is a brasserie/restaurant at the corner of Bellechasse and Rue de la Universite.
Thanks for the info. I know the area is on the expensive side.