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Buying passes before leaving for trip

What are the benefits of buying tickets/passes to museums, etc, other venues? Are there certain ones that you should get them for before you go. I really want to avoid all lines. We are mainly going to be in London and Paris. Any advice would be great! Thanks in advance!

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162 posts

London's museums are free. In Paris, get a museum pass from one of the smaller and less attended museums, and use this pass to get into the Louvre and Orsay where the queues are longer.

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4555 posts

In London, most museums are free. In Paris, you can purchase a Museum Pass for 2, 4, or 6 days, giving you admission to most of the big attractions, and allowing you to bypass the lines. Available from any of the museums listed, plus many other sights, including the tourist info booths at CDG airport. Click here for more information about the Paris Museum Pass.