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Bumping is fun!

The new FAQs appear to be working to help both new posters and regular users of the site--but could use more help in bumping them to keep them on front page.

Anyone can bump a pseudo-sticky, at any time, the more bumps the better they work.

Some newbie posters browse the site but don't like to post a question, and the FAQ and other boldface "pseudo-stickys" help them since they can get answers without having to post a question, if they prefer.

And it helps the regular users because it reduces the number of FAQ/frequently asked questions that get tiresome to keep answering a hundred times.

So everyone comes out ahead.

But we could use more help in bumping the boldface pseudo-sticky topics.

Anyone can bump the stickys.

You just go to the topic, click Post A Reply like you normally would to reply to any topic.

Then type "bump" or a blank character (hit the space bar), or a little snappy saying if you want, and click Post.

This brings the pseudo-sticky up to the top of the list.

The goal has been to keep the pseudo-stickys in the top third or top half of the first page, on each of the six boards. (when people come to the site, their browser is only showing them the top third or half of page 1)

On some travel forums, bumping is not encouraged or even prohibited. Here, the Webmaster allows (even encourages, I think) bumping of the pseudo-stickys, until such time as the RS/ETBD staff has the time to do a comprehensive reprogramming of the entire site.

Posted by
107 posts

Maybe the FAQ, How-to-Search, and Read-this-before-you-post items should be put as links on the main Helpline page? Would eliminate the need for the sticky's or bumping.

I've added the following link to my browser home page, and use it to take me directly to GoogleAdvancedSearch with the RickSteves site already set.

Posted by
10344 posts

Matt: I do the same you do re my own computer.

Unfortunately, no changes of any type to the site, are going to happen in the near future. And so we either have to do without or come up with workarounds.

The 3 pseudo-stickys on each of the 6 boards (18 total) are the current workarounds that have been devised.

I'm just letting everyone know that anyone is welcome to bump these, it takes about 10 seconds of a person's time. The goal would be to keep the boldface pseudo-sticky's on the top one-third of the page, of each of the six boards or sections of the Helpline.

If they're in the top one-third of the page, then newbie or low time users are more likely to see them. At least they can't claim they haven't seen them.

We'll still get some lazy posters who just want free advice without taking a minimal amount of time to look at our FAQ or do their own search of the site--but at least most of our low time users are more considerate than that and will try to help themselves, if we can facilitate that.

So the pseudo-stickys are really an effort to make it easier for newbie/low time users to help themselves. And it's working.

But we need more bumpers.
Everyone can bump the pseudos.
Just click on one, enter bump or hit the space bar, then hit Post.

Posted by
3250 posts

Hi Kent,

I'm always happy to help--I'll keep an eye on the pseudo-stickys too. Thanks for taking the time to post and update the info! They are helpful and I find myself referring to them too.

Posted by
10344 posts

Thank you, Sharon.Bumping can be fun!(is it just me, or does that having a mildly risque ring to it?)it's probably just me, oh well...

Posted by
1633 posts

I thought the same thing after I had typed in the words "I'll keep bumping for you, Kent". Just sounded so wrong.

Posted by
10344 posts

Heh heh. Glad it wasn't only me.

Well, they gotta let us have a little fun, right? I guess it'll be the closest we get, on the Helpline, to talking about ___.

Posted by
416 posts

On the Weight Watchers boards, the euphemism is "golf." Amazing how many golfers there are who wouldn't know mashie from a mouth wedge...

Posted by
850 posts

Nice teaser Kent. When I saw the subject line I had to open it up to make sure it wasn't X-rated. I guess others were thinking along the same line.

Posted by
1717 posts

Hi Kent. We appreciate your efforts here at the Travellers Helpline.