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I thank all those that responded to my previous post regarding adding a potential city to our trip! I am traveling with my adult son to Budapest and Vienna in November. We have a maximum of 12 days. I had hoped to add another city and have researched Salzburg and perhaps small towns in Czech Republic. We have been to Prague and Munich. I went to the Rick Steves store today and did a lot of research and chatting with the employees. Given the 12 days I'm feeling that perhaps adding another city is too much and we should just try day trips from these two cities. I know everyone has their opinions but would love some feedback on this. I'm just feeling overwhelmed and know we need to get air flights booked soon! Thanks in advance

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If you need places to stay, I have stayed at a couple of great places throughout the years in both Vienna and Budapest. Let me know if you need them. We first went to Vienna in 1970, and Budapest is now one of our favorite cities to visit.