My wife and I are looking to plan a trip leaving NYC and visiting Budapest and Florence. Trying to decide which city to fly into first . Also looking to fly between the two cities....
Any feedback would be appreciated.
My approach is always to look for direct flights and then prices.
NYC to Budapest to Florence to NYC.
If you are looking at or around May 2018, Lot Pol Airline will have direct to Budapest from NYC.
There is no direct flight to Florence from NYC.
The only service close to Florence from Budapest is to Pisa otherwise you have to do connecting flights.
I would suggest flying into Florence and out of Budapest. You will have to take the 1 hr. train trip over to Pisa to fly to Budapest on Ryanair, but it will be an inexpensive flight.
We were in Budapest in April and flew back to the U.S. cheap on Norwegian Air Shuttle.
Thanks folks👍