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Flying non-stop Seattle-Heathrow. Would cost for two 400.00 more. Some people say it's worth it others say save your $. I'd love to be able to sleep leaving at 8:00 pm. BTW anyone try Atavan for sleep? What were the results?

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1630 posts

Never flown BA and not sure exactly what World Traveller Plus is, but if the $400 is for more of legroom, go for it. Your legs will thank you after sitting on the plane for 11+/- hours. We upgraded to United Mileage plus (5" more legroom) and for us, the extra money is well spent.

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9369 posts

$400 seems like a lot, when I paid $75 extra for a flight all the way from Chicago to Beijing. It wouldn't be worth the extra to me, but I'm not tall so the extra legroom doesn't mean that much to me. For what it's worth, I don't think I slept any better on the pricier flight than I did on regular economy flights to Europe.

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3255 posts

As I understand the question, it is $400 extra for two people for the round trip. So that is only $100 extra per person per long haul flight. I think that is a bargain for the extra room. We fly British from Seattle to Heathrow and I didn't know the upgrade to Economy Plus was that cheap, or we would have done it. Next time Ill check for sure.

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23549 posts

I think it depends a little bit on your size. At 6-2 it is definitely worth it. At 5-2 maybe not. I always use an OTC sleep aid and it helps. But we ignore all of the plane's activities - food, movies, etc. - with the focus on eye shades and ear plugs.

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510 posts

We fly world traveler plus on BA and think it is worth the extra money, but I think we might switch to Delta. Check out Delta's new economy comfort class. It looks to be quite a savings over BA. I use Ambien to sleep when I travel and get good results with it. If you have never used Ambien or Ativan before, I would do a trial run of it before you leave on your trip to see how you react.

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643 posts

We flew BA from Seattle to Heathrow 3 years ago and while we were fine with the legroom in economy (we're not tall), if you are tall I'd say it is worth it, $400 for round trip ($200 each way). That's $100 per seat per flight, which is what United charges to upgrade to their Economy Plus. With the BA World Traveler Plus class you get a bigger seat and more legroom, you also get a smaller cabin with less people, so possibly quieter. You are also forward of the wing, which is a better location than behind the wing (less engine noise). So my answer would be YES for $400 it's worth it! And for sleep I take Xanax - works very well for me. Here is a photo I snapped on the way off the BA 747-400 in Seattle at the end of our trip of the World Traveller Plus class cabin. Looks nice!

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1986 posts

Ask your doctor about Atavan. it can have scarey effects. it shouldnt be prescribed lightly

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141 posts

I took ambien once to try to get some shut eye on the plane. Won't make that mistake again. No sleep and was ditsy on arrival. Too much action/motion - carts up and down aisles, passenger kicking the back of my seat, up and down, up and down. Bad business.

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1155 posts

Ativan is a benzodiazepene, same family as Valium. It's an anti anxiety drug that may also help you sleep and available by prescription only. I would definitely speak with your MD before taking anything and definitely, definitely, whatever drug you end up deciding to take, over the counter (benadryl) or prescription, do a trial run before your trip. Some pills may be too strong for you so you may have a hard time waking up in the morning and be groggy until it wears off. By taking it before your trip you can adjust your dose, ie, taking half a pill if you're too groggy in the morning. You can also start with something like melatonin. Again, try them before you leave so you know what to expect.