I'm getting ready for a two-month back packing trip through Europe. I've saved up a lot of money and I plan to shop around. After doing a practice-pack of my backpack, I've realised that there's very little room for anything I buy/souvenires, etc. I have a nice, relatively small Heys suitcase on wheels.
So I'm wondering: does it make more sense to bring an extra piece of luggage for items bought in Europe, or does it make more sense to ship it home? I'm trying to think of the cost of shipping (and possibly having souvenires lost or broken in the mail), vs. the cost and inconvienience of dragging around another bag.
My sister backpacked through Europe a few years ago and found that after buying and picking up so many sovenires, she had to buy another piece of luggage in Europe, which cost a lot of money. I would rather just bring the bag from home, but I'm wondering if it makes more sense to just ship it by mail.
Any thoughts?