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Borghese with Roma Pass

If I am going to use a Roma Pass for the Borghese do I still have to make reservations? How do I do it? Will there be a charge?

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You DO need a reservation to get into the Galleria Borghese. When you go online to get a reservation, it asks you for a credit card number, etc. and you have to PAY for the reservation online. This is NOT what you want.

To use the Rome Pass, you must get a reservation “code.” The good news is this costs NOTHING! The bad news is you cannot get this online (at least as of April 2009). To get a code, you must call the Borghese Galleria at +39 (06) 32810. The office is open during ROME HOURS as charted below. Frankly on Mondays I always get a recording they are closed????

MON - FRI 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

SAT 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

SUN Closed

To save you money and hassle, just email your hotel or B&B and have them call for you. You will need to provide:

The DATE you want to go to the Galleria

The NAME to put the reservation under

The TIME you want to go (2 hour periods at 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM, 3PM, and 5 PM - pick your time)

The NUMBER of tickets you will need

If you do this, the Galleria operator will provide you will a code. You need this code, and your Roma Pass, when you enter the Galleria 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time slot. Present both at the ticket desk on the right and you will be given "tickets" - it’s that easy!

Often times though you can only book your slot 3-4 weeks in advance, although this time period varies quite erratically. Better to have someone local call, then to waste money and find out they are not accepting bookings for your time period yet! Once I did book about 6 weeks out for someone… no one seems to understand "WHEN" their booking system will make dates available.

For more info on the Roma Pass, CLICK HERE