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Best trains from Amsterdam to Bruges and Paris

What is the best train route from Amsterdam to Bruges? Can you please be specific with the type of train and if possible how often they run and if we need to change trains? Can you tell me how long it takes? We will also need info on trains from Bruges to Paris? How long will it take and do we need to change trains?
Thanks so much.

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9100 posts

For Bruges to Amsterdam it's best to check schedules via this site: Connections using only IC (inter-city) trains, require no advance reservations, simply purchase your ticket at the station on the day of your journey. Connections involving the high-speed Thalys train require reservations; the sooner you book, the cheaper it will be. You change trains in Antwerp or Brussels. From Bruges to Paris, there is a non-stop Thalys train every morning to Paris. Otherwise you have to take an IC train (2 trains an hour) to Brussels and and transfer to the Thalys to Paris. Book tickets here: Book 90 days in advance for the cheapest fares. Tell the site you live, and will be picking your tickets in Belgium (you'll still be able to print you tickets at home).

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32795 posts

To help you find those answers and other train questions, can I suggest that you click at the top of the page on FAQ's: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Then click on
Trip Planning? How do I get from Destination A to B? (you actually click the mis-named "click here for Map Tools"). The editor software here will not let me insert the link ;-( Then the first link at the top is Click Here for train travel times will take you to an excellent page explaining exactly how to use the DB website to answer everything you need to know about those trains. BTW - yes I do know the specific answers but would rather teach you how to fish rather than giving you a fish. Then you can get all that information without waiting for us. I hope you feel the same way....

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23278 posts

Go to which is the German rail site. It is easy to use and will give you experience in using the rail sites for determining schedules. Have no idea what best means to you. There is seldom a best route and it is rare except between major cities to not change trains. That is part using the trains in Europe.