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Best of Switzerland or Best of Europe 14 days?

I'm trying to decide between the two tours. Friends I made on my last RS tour are doing Best of Europe in Sept 2020. I have been looking at Best of Switzerland because I've never been there. I travel solo so it would be nice to at least know two people on a tour versus joining a complete group of strangers like I did last time (they were all great though). People rave about Switzerland. But the Best of Europe has a pretty interesting itinerary with some places I haven't seen and some places they go to (Paris, Munich, Florence) I have not been to in 40 years. I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone has been on either one of these tours and how they would rate them?

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15007 posts

The 14 day Best of Europe does spend 2 nights in the Lauterbrunnen Valley which gives you a full day in that location. To be honest, I was so blown away by that area of Switzerland I did the GAS tour a couple of years later so I would have 3 nights/2 full days there.

However, I would go with whichever location really calls to you. I'm usually a solo traveler and have done 6 RS tours on my own (5 with family members) and there are nice people on every tour.

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7209 posts

Swiss travel is extremely easy. Buy a ticket and jump on the train. You could spend your entire in the Lauterbrunnen Valley area with the surrounding alpine villages dotted around.

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2518 posts

I agree with Pam, go with the tour that calls to you! I usually travel as a solo with RS and have encountered nice, friendly people. While it's nice to be with friends, if your heart is not in that tour and you are thinking of the one you missed - Switzerland, it will detract from your overall enjoyment.
Follow your heart.

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423 posts

BOE14 is wonderful, a nice balance of cities and countryside along France, Switzerland, Bavaria and Italy. We went in 2015 and had a great experience, and would certainly advocate 'YES' to anyone considering this tour. That said, Best of Switzerland might be every bit its equal if your interest draws you to that specific region. The primary difference between the two is Scale. Best of Switzerland is confined to a smaller footprint (less time/travel on the bus) so there's perhaps less of a fatigue factor getting from one destination to another. But that comes at the expense of variety; getting to experience more sites, surroundings and culture of the different regions. I don't think you can go wrong with either choice, have a great trip!

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5884 posts

We have done the Switzerland trip and loved it! Most of our tour members felt that this tour was one of the best ever RS trips. One issue to note: Swiss weather, especially at altitude, can be unpredictable, so having a very short period of time in the area is risky, as it could be cloudy and rainy, with no views.
Safe travels - either option will be wonderful!

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2787 posts

After taking 17 RS tours including these (Switz. & BofE/21) I would have said the same thing that Matt posted. The Bof tour will have lost of moving around whereas the Switz tour has a much smaller travel schedule.

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111 posts

I had put myself on the waitlist last week for the Best of Switzerland tour for the date I needed thinking if I get in, it will be a sign that that is the tour I should take. The Rick Steves’ office just called and a space opened up! The waitlist is an interesting thing. I put myself on the waitlist for Best of Ireland in June and got in by July 3rd (did that tour last month and it was fabulous)! So Best of Switzerland it is! I am a solo traveler so I hope it will be great group.

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15007 posts

Wow, that is great! I'm glad your decision has been made, lol!

Posted by
2518 posts

Congratulations! I read between the lines that your heart was set on Switzerland. So happy for you. It will be extraordinary, I'm sure.

For my 2nd RS tour, I signed up for the Best of Europe 14 Days and looked at the places in Italy on the itinerary and realized that Italy was where I wanted to be! So, I changed my tour reservation to the 17 Days Best of Italy and had a wonderful experience. I believe you have to let your heart make the decision for your trips.
I know you will be glad you chose Switzerland!