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Best of Europe tour: Amsterdam red light district

We're going on the Best of Europe 21 day tour which begins in Amsterdam. We are traveling with our kids (twins, age 13, boy and girl). They are 'young' 13 year olds in terms of sophistication. How can I prepare them for the portion of the tour which includes the Red Light district in Amsterdam? Is the subject glossed over by the tour guides or pretty nitty gritty? Do I need to talk to them about it in advance? Thanks!

Posted by
11507 posts

I think you can count on it being neither glossed over or nitty gritty but factually humorously and pragmatically presented. If concerned just skip that. Just so you know it is possible to walk through area and not be too overwhelmed, I had to point put the ladies to my hubby.

Posted by
34 posts

Haha on 'having to point the ladies out to your hubby' 😊 The first time I went there somebody had to tell me too. I just thought girls were sitting in front of their windows brushing their hair etc.
I haven't been to Amsterdam since the 80s so I don't know if it is more 'in your face' than it used to be, and I was just wondering in general what the guides say about it on the tour. If we were just walking around on our own I'm pretty sure it wouldn't even register with the kids.

Posted by
16895 posts

What you'll see are women in lingerie, mostly sitting bored in a chair in a window. They aren't confined to that district; in my last visit, I thought they had spread, but still not particularly in-your-face. Your guide won't yet know you well on the first stop of the tour, but will be aware of the ages of his or her audience, and the fact that the topic requires some tact.

Have the kids watched any of Rick's TV shows? You can see the Amsterdam episode online, as well as preview the script of the show on that page.

Posted by
34 posts

Thanks, Laura, I'll check out the episode. The district is pretty humorous and quirky for adults. I don't want our party (with kids) to take away from anyone else's good time which is another concern. And, I don't want to go into a big awkward spiel with my kids beforehand if it's not necessary. The joys of parenting 😳

Posted by
2787 posts

I was last in Amsterdam the second week of last month. A returning visit having been there numerous times. Stayed at a B&B in town and walked all over the place including the area mentioned. Did not see anything out of the ordinary or shocking. The first RS tour I took was the Best of Europe 21 Day Tour and thought their presentation of Amsterdam was very brief due to the huge amount of real-estate that that tour covers. As someone else posted, just skip that part of the tour if you are worried. I would also suggest having a conversation with your tour guide at the very first chance regarding your issue. The BofE 21 day tour is still one of my favorite of the 12 RS tours I have taken. I remember being told by the guide at the first nights orientation dinner that the tour would provide a brief overview of many places and we would not be staying anywhere long. It was designed to give this overview so that you might discover some places where you might want to return. It obviously worked for me. Happy travels.

Posted by
2393 posts

I too had to point them out to my husband! he actually walked back to see one and the gal just gave a big smile & waved at him. It is pretty low key and not raunchy at all. The young women are in tasteful lingerie - they'd see more on a beach anywhere.

Posted by
1022 posts

What has been said is true, the prostitutes aren't dressed obscenely. But you should be prepared to answer probing questions about why they are sitting in the lighted windows. For those who really believe their men didn't notice them--better take a reality pill. They are quite obvious.

Posted by
3915 posts

I agree with Charlie, just skip that part of the tour if you are worried. You could part ways with the tour, having pre-arranged this with the tour guide, and instead go to one of the excellent Amsterdam museums not covered by the tour.

Posted by
707 posts

It could be more than ladies in windows. There was erotic "art" or sculpture work along the public street/sidewalk, and the signage and photos on the "theaters."

Posted by
32388 posts


I've never taken the Best of Europe 21 day tour but if it's included, I suspect the tour of the Red Light district will be similar to that provided on the Holland & Belgium tour. If that's the case, the tour will be led by a very informative and entertaining local guide. My memory is a bit foggy on the amount of detail presented but I don't recall anything particularly "racy". The girls were wearing tasteful lingerie, probably about the same as one would see on a Victoria's Secret commercial on TV, with some being illuminated by a black light. THIS is one of the streets in the district, with the girls in display windows on either side.

Our group was reminded that it was NOT a good idea to take photos of the girls, especially with large Cameras as there could be "unexpected and violent" consequences. I left my DSLR in the hotel room but two of the members of our group brought large cameras on the tour, but surprisingly had no problems.

You're the best one to determine the level of maturity of your children. If you feel uncomfortable with the subject matter, you can certainly tell your guide that you'd like to opt out of that particular local tour. However keep in mind that you'll likely see many other shops in Amsterdam advertising a variety of items of a "racy" nature, including "live shows". It may be difficult to shield your children from all of it.

Another point to consider is that your tour may include a visit to one of the "Coffee Shops", but again I'm not sure if that's included with the B of E tour. I found the lecture session quite interesting and informative in explaining the background of how the system has evolved there. Of course this is somewhat relevant today as the the first shops opened in Washington state this morning (it was covered on our local news). Again, if you don't want your children exposed to that, you can opt out.

One final comment. To the ladies that said they had to point out the girls to their husbands, I have to wonder if that was a self defense move on their part to avoid a cuff up side the head (wink, wink). The girls make sure that they're very noticeable to those in the streets, which I'm sure is their intent.

I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time on the tour, and it will be one of the most memorable experiences you've ever had. What a fantastic experience to share with your children!

Posted by
11507 posts

Ha trust me with the crowds walking up and down the area it would be esy to miss the windows as they are not lit up(as someone mentioned they are in black light), if there are naked women anywhere my fellow sees them quite well normally, should have seen him at the beaches! ( topless ladies, not a lot but he saw THEM just fine!

Posted by
2393 posts

Don't need a reality pill Lee - I know my husband - pretty presumptious to make snarky comment about people you don't know.

Sorry OP

Posted by
1022 posts

OK, I thought that perhaps the presentation of the prostitutes had changed markedly since I was in Amsterdam. But a web search shows it's the same. Here are a couple of links. YouTube has several clips which give a better idea. Frankly, I don't know how anyone with normal vision could miss anything.

Amsterdam 1

Amsterdam 2

Posted by
34 posts

Thanks for the input, everyone! It looks like I'd better have a talk with the kids before we go. They have had health class and sex ed at school, but I'm not sure it covered prostitution, legal or otherwise.

Posted by
2262 posts

I hope that conversation, and your trip, go well, Christine. It's a teachable moment for everyone involved about differing perspectives. The world just got a little smaller again!

Posted by
16668 posts

Christine, I haven't done this tour but I'm guessing that it's during the day? The RLD is a much different place in daylight than it is after dark. Your children will see some of the "ladies" in the windows but less of them (well, I'll use that term loosely; ha!) than you would during the evening. They may also see some, er, interesting things in the sex shop windows but I'm thinking the tour won't exactly be stopping right in front of any of those either so it may go right over their heads. Distract them if necessary?

The good news is that the canal in the middle of the RLD is, in my humble opinion, one the prettiest in the city. There is no clutter of car parking on either side as there is along so many others, and the architecture is lovely. I went in the morning one day just to get photos, and had no problems just shooting straight down the canal. No, you do not want to snap the "residents" but it's OK to point your lens elsewhere during the day.

As even some adults can be offended by what is simply a fact of life - and old history - in Amsterdam, I'm sure the subject will be handled with taste and matter-of-fact approach.

Posted by
2829 posts

Laura, I don't know where you got the impression there are more women on display. Gemeente Amstersdam (the city administration) is actually reducing the number of windows available and not allowing more permits are all as some are withdrawn for various reasons.

Incidentally, I'll leave a note of protest for RS tours to include this grotesque spectacle on their tours, especially when you consider how Rick Steves often criticizes "alienating touring" and mentions on his lectures anecdotes about American cruise passengers throwing coins on the port decks to poor Caribbean children as something that is a bad thing to do (and bad indeed it is).

I'm against all forms of paid sex, though I personally don't think it should be illegal. But that is besides the point - as someone who has resided in the country for a while already, it is clear that these women shown on windows in Amsterdam are the saddest part of the sex market: almost all are girls from Eastern Europe or Near East that are recruited by shoddy human trafficking gangs and sell their bodies for little more than 2 fast food combos. There is absolutely nothing glamorous about what happens there, the whole De Wallen area is ignored/bypassed by most people who live in the city, and I repudiate the idea of making it some sort of "human zoo of misery and suffering".

It is something not much different than going to some impoverished African country, and asking for a slum-tour to peek at impoverished people having to work in abject conditions, or asking for someone to take you to the junkie corner on any major Western city in hopes of seeing some homeless person overdosing on crack cocaine.

For what matters, the bulk of legal prostitution business in Netherlands (and much of other countries in Europe where it is legal) has moved to online booking agencies and closed sex clubs. Which is also a reason for which the number of windows displaying women is actually decreasing over last decade anyway.

This all being said, the area is not dangerous for walking, and I honestly think there is more shock to be had on many regular primetime TV series or movies than on the Red Light District. But taking kids there, for me, would be like taking kids on a drive-by on an inner city pointing, laughing and getting amused by the sight of so many homeless people living on streets. They won't be traumatized buy what they see, but without some context it just furthers the dehumanization of another group of humans.

Posted by
11507 posts

Andee thats your opinion on the subject and you are entitled to it, but not all women who sell sex would agree with your portrait.
I agree with legal safe houses for prostition.

Posted by
1994 posts

Andre, thank you for your well stated, un-romanticized insider's view. The "human zoo" aspect has always made it difficult for me to see this as a touring destination. And I guess I am surprised that – given RS's statements on social justice – it's a scheduled part of RS tours (versus a side-trip, for those who are interested).

Posted by
12040 posts

Here's a little social experiment the RS tours could try if they really wanted to educate the tour groups on the nature of the modern sex trade. Pick a random prostitute, and offer to pay her money merely to have her flash her passport or some other form of gov't issued ID. Not to see her personal information, but just see that she has it on her person. And if you don't know the reason why she probably won't (hint- it's not because she's afraid of the Schengen rules), then you need to educate yourself on the nature of the sex business.

Posted by
9269 posts

I too dislike the "touring" aspect as though these people are in zoos. If those that are interested want to go to this area, they can easily find it without signing up for a tour. It is a dirty business all around and most of these women (and men) did not up and decide one day that this is what they wanted to do when they grew up. If anyone thinks that, they are naive and looking at this with some rose colored glasses. Perhaps watched too much of "Pretty Woman"?

Wish Rick would remove the walk through the RLD in Frankfurt from his book too. Most of the prostitution here is run by the Hells Angels and the Banditos. These are dangerous, murderous thugs and just cause you don't see them out on the street doesn't mean anything.

Yes, there are pluses to having it legal rather than illegal, but it still shouldn't be a gawking show and I wouldn't take my young teen agers through there.

Posted by
2081 posts


just my observations.

Ive been through the RLD several times. Both in the early morning when there is no one there in both windows and on the streets and mid day and evenings.

The early mornings is just like a sleepy town. nothing to see. In the afternoons, its like Disneyland. Families walking around with kids in tow along with couples and people from all walks of life. There are ladies in the windows too.

Nights are different in ambiance. I see the "tours" then since you can spot them a mile away with their umbrella/flag or whaterver they have so the followers can follow. There are still some families walking about but there are more customers either looking or waiting for their friends.

also from what i saw of the tours, its not that they will "dwell" in the area, but give the visitors an opportunity to see whats its all about and go from there. Sometimes the tour operator will wait in an area for others that want to, can go peek or take a closer look or walk down one of the alleys. At least thats what i have observed.

just a side note. You will also see many sex shops along with the drug shops. So i really dont know whats worse. In the end its up to you as parents to decide whats best for your kids.

one other comment. When youre there, you have to try FEBO. Kids love fast food, its just a different twist on how its presented. Also i think the food is good for what you pay.

happy trails.

Posted by
1022 posts

If somebody came up to me and offered to pay money to see my passport I would tell them to go to hades. I expect that's what an Amsterdam prostitute would do as well.

Posted by
12040 posts

"If somebody came up to me and offered to pay money to see my passport I would tell them to go to hades. I expect that's what an Amsterdam prostitute would do as well." Then you didn't understand my point. It's not a test to see if they want to show it. It's a matter of if then CAN...

Posted by
32388 posts


Actually, I think there is a difference. I think the point that Tom was trying to make is that the girls are held hostage. Their Passports are often confiscated as soon as they arrive, which means they can't leave. It's a sordid business and I doubt the girls are there by choice.

Posted by
3915 posts

Thank you, Andre, Tom, and Jo, for stating it better than I ever could.

Posted by
4183 posts

I don't know if they have this in Amsterdam. At least I didn't notice it. But it is fairly common in chocolate-drenched Bruges to see male and female body parts made in chocolate in all the possible colors/flavors that chocolate can be made from. They are typically in the windows for easy browsing.

Someone else mentioned that you and your kids might see other things or people on the street that could be shocking to you. That can happen anywhere on your tour, because in general Europeans are much less prudish than we are about the human body and sex.

So you might want to be prepared with answers for those times you are not in a tour group, but rather walking around on your own. If your kids are truly naive about these things, that's pretty surprising, based on my grand kids.

Posted by
2262 posts

Lo, if you're going to change the flavor like that, the least you could do is give us the standard Monty Python heads up ;-))
And now, for something completely different…
Always edgy here on the RS boards.

Posted by
16668 posts

I just want to state than my comments above were in no way a reflection of how I feel about the industry. I don't like it, and I do NOT support trafficking at all, but there are circumstances where I understand why the sex trade exists.

The issue here is that it is legal in this country, and so it is what it long as all concerned follow the letter of the law. Whether that is always the case is another issue. But the same goes for some of the panhandlers in European hot spots. Some of them were imported under the premise of jobs and brighter futures only to find themselves, upon arrival, enslaved by criminal organizations. They are expected to turn a profit, and to turn that profit over to their handlers or face punishment. It's very sad.

Not that there isn't trafficking and other dark corners in my own country.
