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Best lightweight & reliable flashlight?

In my quest to pack light, I'm scrutinizing every single item I need to pack. My Princeton flashlight is reliable and bright, but even the smallest size is not tiny. The Maglite is tiny, but a total flake. Every single one I've owned does not last long even with fresh batteries. Also, do any American companies make travel flashlights? Thanks to all for your help. I appreciate it.

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590 posts

I have a Petzl Tikka Plus headlamp that I have used for 4 years strng and and have had no problems. Very light and packable and you have the freedom of both hands when you are searching for something.

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213 posts

Carole, here's another vote for the Petzl Tika. The experienced staff at REI rate it as the best of small flashlights. It has three levels of brightness and batteries last a long time in it.

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7901 posts

If you want something low cost, there are many small flashlights now with LED lights in them. These consume less power, are bright, and cheap enough to lose.

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9369 posts

I always carry a little keyring-type flashlight made by Garrity. I bought it at Walmart for around $6.00. It has a very bright LED bulb and can be operated by holding the button in or can be set to stay on. The best part is that it is flat, and measures 1" x 2.5". It is disposable, but I have been using the same one for three years now in my volunteer job as a floor manager at our local performing arts center with no decrease in brightness or performance.

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1449 posts

I guess it depends on what you need it for. If its just to find a keyhole or something else where you just need a few seconds of light, then Fry's and many other retailers sell small LED flashlights that go on a keyring. I have one, the size of maybe 2 sticks of gum, that I always have on my keyring.

But if you need light for longer periods, I agree 100% with a previous poster who mentioned a headlamp. They are small, and if you need light then you want to have your hands free. REI carries a good supply of these.

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32324 posts


It's possible to buy LED retrofit Bulbs for Mini-Mags, and this increases both the light output and battery life considerably. There are American companies that do make fantastic flashlights, however a good quality light will not be "inexpensive"!

I've been using a Pelican Tactical flashlight during travels for the last few years, and it's been superb! It's small but has excellent light output for the size. You might have a look at their entire line of LED flashlights to see which model will best fit your needs. It's highly likely there will be a local dealer in your area where you can check them out in person, as they're based in Torrance, CA.

Happy travels!

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12313 posts

I can't think of the brand but I now pack an LED mini flashlight that gets 30 lumens and is only a little bigger than a AA battery.

LED lights are the way to go. You get a lot of light out of a tiny package. They use very little electricity. The bulbs last forever and a decent quality light will take a ton of pounding without breaking.

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16057 posts

I have these little square LED flashlights about the size of a quarter. You can even aim the beam of light and they have a clip. Made by Mighty Bright. They also have a carabiner with LED flashlight.

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12313 posts

I have some tiny LED lights also. At home I always keep one on every key ring.

I went to the brighter (but still pretty tiny) light because, while the little ones are great for going to the bathroom at night or finding something in your pack, I wanted more light for touring ruins, caves or other dark places.