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Best Idea for phone service on vacation in Europe???

I'll be in Europe 6 weeks and I'd love to have a cell phone for talking to family in the states and for emergencies. I saw something somewhere about internet phone service, but I'm not technical and I don't know if this was via a cell phone or i-phone or what. Anyone know how to get internet phone service & on what device?

Thank you

Posted by
9369 posts

There have been many, many recent discussions on this topic. Please scroll down through the listings to locate these discussions. You'll find lots of suggestions.

Posted by
10344 posts

Yep, many recent discussions here. Use Google Advanced Search to locate them, enter in the search within this site box. And for Rick's advice go here Rick Europe Phone 101

Posted by
486 posts

Easy to find an unlocked cell phone here (best price for used) or in Europe.

I'd suggest getting national SIMs (i.e. one for each local country) if most of your time is in one or two countries or an international one if you plan to spend equal time in more than two countries.

e.g. you are spending most of time in Italy and Germany but a few days in France and Austria - get an Italian & a German SIM and use one or the other to roam in the other countries.

you are spending about the same amount of time in all those places - consider an international SIM.

Cheapest rates - National SIM in that country but could be wasteful if you don't use all the minutes before moving on.

PM me for any additional info you need on phones, service, etc. or read my posting in Technology on Cell Phones in Europe.

As to internet phone service, it is wonderful IF you have your own computer and free wi-fi. Software is free, runs on PC, requires earphones and mike and calls anywhere are dirt cheap. But if you pay the outrageous charges some places ask for wi-fi or internet, it is foolish to use it.
Again, PM me if you are bringing your computer. I can tell you exactly what you need.

Posted by
32321 posts


It would help to know if you currently have Cell Phone service with a provider in the U.S., and if so which network are you with?

AT&T and T-Mobile customers are able to roam in Europe, provided their handset is a quad-band model. If you're just planning to make occasional calls and for emergencies, this might be a cost effective option.


Posted by
486 posts

Cell phones are not "unnecessary expenses". They are inexpensive and provide a big level of convenience.

As cell phones spread more and more, what happened in the US (disappearance of public phones as well as broken ones not being fixed) become more likely.

You can be reached in an emergency.

You can always call home in an emergency even when you don't see a public phone.

You can call that restaurant when you can't find them or to tell them, while on a bus heading back to your place, what to do with that item you just left behind.

You can get directions to the B&B when you can't figure out how to get there. Or when locked out late at night in front of it.

If there is more than one of you, you have that feeling of comfort if you get separated.

Posted by
792 posts

Hi All,

Thank for sending me to prior posts. I have resolved my phone issue. Here's how:

Several previous posters raved about a company They said their service was inexpensive and excellent. I bought an unlocked cell phone from them for $29 (which I can use whenever I go outside the US) and I purchased a France SIM card from them as well since I'll be in France for 1 month. I can also use the France SIM card outside of France (I'll be in Spain for 10 days). The usage charges are very good. All incoming calls while I'm in France will cost me nothing (even incoming from the US). All outgoing calls (even to the US) will cost .39 cents per minute. In Spain, I'll pay .39 cents for incoming calls and I think .69 for outgoing calls per minute.
The SIM cards are activated for one year, and if you spend at least $60 on usage charges during that year, they reactivate a second year for free.

Posted by
1455 posts

Kerry, even if you don't get a phone before leaving, you can buy a "disposable" one in Europe. Companies such as O2, Orange, or Vodafone have great pay as you go plans where its dirt cheap to call other countries, including the US.

If you are bringing a laptop, you can download SKYPE and it is free to use. The other person must have a computer and a speaker/microphone (and preferably a web cam). If the other person does not, its very inexpensive to use SKYPE with a non skype user.