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Besides Books & Movies

I was just curious if anyone else has signed up for a Great Course prior to a trip you are taking. I had heard of Great Courses from a friend, but had never purchased a lecture series. Well, I was feeling as if I had not done a lot of research prior to our upcoming RS Athens & The Heart Of Greece tour in less than 2 weeks, so I found a course on Ancient Greek Civilization that was on sale (some of the courses are pricey) so I have been watching the lecture series for the last couple of weeks and now, I do feel as if I will understand some of the history of Greece when I am actually there. I did not know much before except I knew some of the myths, gods and of course, Plato, Socrates etc. I didn't want to think when I was there, oh yheah, there are some more ruins.
Has anyone else purchased a lecture series that they felt was helpful and enhanced their travel experience?

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10423 posts

What an interesting thought, Diveloonie. That does sound like a great resource, one I hadn’t thought of.

Another one would be podcasts specializing in for example history of a certain area or era — e.g. Roman Empire , which I don’t know much about, so listening would definitely enhance my experience.

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278 posts

I found the YouTube channel for the Khan Academy to be very useful for when I visited Italy and Britain a couple of years ago. Their channel has free lectures on lots of subjects, such science so it is not just travel related. But after visiting art galleries, during the evening I would often look at their lectures on works of art that I had seen during my visits, and I found these very informative.