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Belgium, Netherlands, Norway itinerary guidance

To those who helped me narrow this down, thank you! I've just purchased my plane tickets. I fly into Brussels and leave from Trondheim, Norway, with 22 nights to spend on the ground. This is happening in May 2016.

Now I need to figure out my flights within Europe. Here is my basic plan

Nights 1-6 in Belgium (maybe all Ghent or divided between Ghent and another city?)
Nights 7-12 in the Netherlands (maybe 4 nights in Amsterdam and the other 2 nights in Delft or Rotterdam?)
Fly Amsterdam to Oslo
Nights 13-15 Oslo
Nights 16-18 stops along the way to Bergen
Nights 19-20 Bergen
Fly Bergen to Trondheim
Nights 21-22 Trondheim

I know there is endless debate and no clear-cut winner on the best Belgian city to stay in, so I won't ask for advice on that. But is my basic allocation of time sensible (6 nights Belgium, 6 nights Netherlands, 10 nights Norway)? And two nights in Trondheim at the end makes sense?

Other than the two flights, I'm planning on taking trains and not renting a car.

I'll be 60 at the time of this trip. Active and healthy, love hiking and nature, also love history, art, architecture, history, and culture in general, and very happy in smaller towns as well as big cities.

Any other thoughts or suggestions on this itinerary are most welcome. Thanks!

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7175 posts

Did you consider train all the way to Bergen from Brussels? I know it reduces your time in Belgium and Holland.
Brussels 5nts >> Amsterdam 5nts >> Hamburg 2nts >> Copenhagen 2nts >> Goteborg 1nt >> Oslo 3nts >> Bergen 2nts >> (fly to) Trondheim 2nts

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8155 posts

It is totally unnecessary to sleep in more than one city in Belgium or the Netherlands. The local (commuter ... ) trains are frequent and cheap. The only problem is waiting in line to buy tickets. The only question in the Netherlands is whether there are any easterly places you want to go, like Hoge Veluwe park and the art museum, or Het Loo, or Arnhem. (I think Arnhem is over-rated, even for WW II buffs.) We like the smaller Haseatic League towns, but it's a long way to some unless you're staying nearby.

Everyone has their preference, but I'd sleep in Antwerp because it has so much more than Gent. Perhaps Gent is prettier, but you'll have to hump farther to the train station each morning, and you probably can't afford to sleep in the most scenic part of the town. Most of Antwerp has something picturesque about it, except the rail station areas.

Your return home plans are invisible to us. Many people make the mistake of not working out international check-in times and odd hour transportation, and find themselves with an unattractive last morning abroad.

Posted by
1962 posts

Thanks David. I had not considered making my way to Oslo by train. I have been to Copenhagen before, though, and I am leaning towards fewer separate destinations on this trip, as on my last trip I stayed in ten different places in 22 nights and I'm looking for a bit less of that this time.

And Tim, thanks for the advice on Antwerp over Ghent. I've read enough posts on here to know that there is a wide diversity of opinion about Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, and Bruges as a best home base. But I'm glad to hear you suggest that staying in just one location in Belgium and in the Netherlands is sensible, because I'd prefer not to have to move around.

I actually did work out a good plan for my departure from Trondheim. My flight leaves from Trondheim at 2:55 pm, which should work out well, since it seems the airport is about 45 minutes from town by bus or train. I've had much worse schedules to deal with, including a 6am departure from Milan when I was traveling the previous day from Cinque Terre. (I took an late afternoon train and then a bus to the airport, arrived at the airport at 10pm and spent the night there.)

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769 posts

Eleven nights in Belgium and the Netherlands seems a little too-much to me, but others who've posted haven't commented, and they probably know more than I do. My wife and I were in Trondheim, Bergen and Oslo last year. Our impression of all three venues was colored by the fact we had miserable weather in all three places--unrelenting rain and overcast--and not conducive to be trekking-about. We were in Oslo 3 days and 2 nights and I think we got a sense of the city, albeit a wet sense. We were only in Bergen one full day and departed in the evening for a nightmarish night-train to Oslo. Bergen was pleasant--very touristy but still pleasant--and it might have been good to have another day there, but we'd had to take a second mortgage on the house to pay for food and lodging--it was real sticker shock for us Midwesterners. We were only in Trondheim for a quick stop on a cruise (of sorts) and when we arrived early in the day the entire town (including Nidaros cathedral) was locked-up. Blue skies and sun, along with various venues being open, would have made it more memorable than it was for us.

By the way, I like David’s suggestion of Hamburg 2nts >> Copenhagen 2nts >> Goteborg 1nt; I might even add (I know it adds a night in a different location) Lübek (1nt) in there somewhere at the expense of Belgium/Netherlands.

Posted by
813 posts

I actually like the idea of splitting up your time in the Netherlands. Yes, it means packing up and moving, but I like the change of scenery sometimes. Last spring we stayed 3 nights in Delft and 7 in Amsterdam and thought that was a good split. It's nice to wander around some of these smaller towns after the day-trippers have left.

Not sure if Leiden is on your list of places to visit, but I think it's a fabulous town for either a day trip or as a home base. Also, if you're going in early May, Keukenhof would be a great day trip from Amsterdam! It's the most beautiful garden I've ever seen.

Sounds like a wonderful trip!!

Posted by
1806 posts

I spent a few more nights than you plan to between both Belgium and the Netherlands, have similar interests, and did not find myself lacking things to do and left both countries feeling there was plenty more to explore on future trips. By all means, it is very easy and affordable to get around both countries using the commuter rails as those trains are leaving constantly. While this makes it nice to be able to base yourself out of one location, for Belgium I actually would recommend swapping overnight locations part way through the trip just because you get to really relax, enjoy some nightlife and a different experience after all the day-trippers leave. These are fairly short train rides so it's not like you are wasting a whole day in transit by changing your location (and you'd likely be planning to ride the rails anyways if you do base from just 1 spot). I would recommend Antwerp and 1 other location - like Brussels or your initial choice of Ghent. But if you aren't really planning to spend time out after dark, then by all means, just base in one location.

If you want to do a lot of hiking, you may consider renting a car for at least a day or two as you'll be able to cover a lot more ground. Like to get to Hoge Veluwe by public transit, you have to take a train and then a couple different buses and then you'd want to rent a bike to get around the National Park, unless all you plan to do is the Kroller-Muller Museum. If you do stay in Rotterdam for a night or two, you can do a day trip via water bus to Kinderdijk. I would pick Rotterdam over Delft if you have interest in architecture. It's very different than Amsterdam and Delft.