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Before you buy Euros, read this.

Here is an article in the UK Telegraph talking about the current problems with the Euro. While the title may overstate it somewhat, the article gives a pretty good rundown of the issues.

What does it mean for travelers? You probably don't need to be in a hurry to take advantage of the low Euro.

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19237 posts

Interesting article, and time will tell, but just remember that it came from the UK, which has been sort of sour grapes every since the Euro came out.

Note that, since the first of the year, while the Euro has dropped 15.9% (vs the US$), the British Pound has dropped 12.4%. And Britain can't blame Greece for that.

When the Euro came out in 2002, it was worth 62 pence; today the "failed Euro" is worth 88 pence.

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9436 posts

This article was fascinating...thank you for posting this!

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12313 posts


Yes, I was in England during the Save the Pound campaign. Britain has their own problems with too much spending and borrowing.