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Baggage Checking in Berlin, Munich, Innsbruch, Venice and Rome

When I traveled in the 1980's we were able to use train station lockers and baggage check rooms for temporary storage of our luggage. We would drop our bags there, tour the city, retrieve the bags and go to our lodging. Nowadays, I'm sure that security has made lockers obsolete. What is available for our predicament in May? Thanks for your thoughts. Rich

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16895 posts

The big-city Italian stations have left-luggage offices, where they eyeball to make sure that you don't look like a terrorist dropping off a device. Your Germanic stations have lockers. If I've a hotel booked in the city, I'll more usually go to the hotel first to drop off bags, even if the room is not yet ready, rather than pay for the service at the train station.

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19232 posts

According to the Bahn website, both Berlin and Munich Haubtbahnhofs have lockers. I think Munich also has a check room.

According to OeBB (Astrian Rail), Innsbruck.has lockers.

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8299 posts

Just about every hotel has a luggage storage room for those arriving early in the day. I'd just stash the bags there until the hotel's ready for your checking in.

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14765 posts


At Berlin Hbf the check in lockers are located on the second floor called the Gepäck Center, next to the WC. You pay the number of pieces, regardless of size or weight.

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2671 posts

Perhaps someone will correct me if I've missed something, but I can't see any benefit at all to storing your luggage at the train station, touring the town, then coming back to the train station to get your luggage and then heading to your lodging. Go straight to your hotels and leave your bags. Then you don't need to trudge across town to get your bags and (likely) double back to your hotel. If you're worried about early-arrival bag storage your 5 specific hotels, just email them and ask.

The only time I use the lockers at a train station is when I'm stopping over for a few hours and taking a quick look at a city.

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19232 posts

"I can't see any benefit at all to storing your luggage at the train station, touring the town, then coming back to the train station to get your luggage and then heading to your lodging."

Unless, of course, what you want to see in town is fairly close to the station and you lodging is well away from that area. In that case, I can't see any benifit to taking you luggage all the way out to your lodging, then coming all the way back to see the sights, then going all the way out, again.