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Baden Baden Spa

Will be in Baden Baden for a full day in Sept. Rick's book highly recommends doing the 3 hour spa treatment which is also a totally nude experience. Would like some input from others who have been to the spa. The day I am there the spa is male/female. Europeans think nothing of it but Americans are not used to it. For those that have done it, was it worth the $$, would you do it again, and were you able to just walk out and feel comfortable? I want to do the spa but may need a kick in the rear end to get out of the changing room.

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9146 posts

Oh, be brave Tony and just do it. You will probably walk out feeling really good about yourself and feeling good too. If you don't go I won't have coffee with you in Frankfurt. So there! Its been all decided and you won't have to think about it anymore. ;-)

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208 posts

Hey Jo, based on that response I will have to go,but remember we are doing the coffee or whatever before I go to Baden Baden so you would not know if I did or did not go. Everyone says go, so guess it's a go.
At 65, maybe I can turn it in to Medicare and get reimbursed.

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7 posts

I did the three-hour treatment, and loved every minute of it! I, too, went on a male/female day, and everything was fine. I've got to believe that the staff have "seen it all before", just in different shapes and sizes. No issue with other spa guests... everyone just seemed focused on enjoying the various facets of the treatment and relaxing. I never got the sense that anyone was sizing up anyone else. I also figured that this was an extremely low-risk event for me (even with a less-than-perfect body), since I don't live there and am very unlikely to run into any of these folks again!

I highly recommend it, and found that a nice dinner and an early bedtime worked extremely well to round out that day.... I was so relaxed after the spa that I wanted to extend the benefits into the evening and a great night's slumber!

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1358 posts

We did the day at the baths, and it was the best money I've ever spent. This was years ago when we were there, and it was also on a coed day. It's a little intimidating being naked and having people bark orders at you in German, but that doesn't override the whole experience. If they still have it, definitely opt for the soap and brush massage.

If the setup is still the same, most of the baths are separated by sex, it's when you get to the bigger pools that are more coed, but even those were mostly male or female, depending on what side you were on.

I was in my 20's when we went, and most of the other customers were in their 50's, so once I got going, the self-consciousness went out the window.

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7901 posts

Force yourself to go and enjoy, you will be glad you did, and you will have a tale to tell. My experience at the Baths and Nude Beaches reinforces the notion that regardless of what you may think of your body, there will be loads more people that nature was less kind to, and they have no hesitation in participating. As mentioned, the largest share of clients will be elderly, their sessions are actually subsidized as a medical benefit.

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588 posts

Tony, I didn't do it and I've regretted it ever since. Everyonne in our group loved it and would do it again in a minute. Enjoy!

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3262 posts

Hi Tony,
I'm a pretty modest person but I really enjoyed the three-hour, spa treatment. It's an experience and one that I'd try again the next time we're in Baden Baden! Take your time, relax, and enjoy each step in the process.

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534 posts

Go! It's amazing and fun and something you would probably never do otherwise. The expense was cheap! If I remember right, it was around $35 a person for a 3 hrs experience. A one hour massage can cost $75. The sexes are seperated for most of it. You go from station to station (they are numbered) and there is a recommended time at each station. Shower, sauna, really hot sauna, shower again, euclyptis steam room, shower again, co-ed pool and so on and so on....

You will feel "checked out" when you enter the co-ed room. But it is nothing. Everyone is just looking at who entered the room. People of all shapes and sizes.

Don't skip the cold plunge at the end. it is the cherry on top. My husband misread the sign and did it for 3 minutes when it was suppose to be like 30 seconds. THAT was a bit much.

Then they wrap you like a cocoon in their meditation room - to this day when I need to fall asleep or relax - I visualize that room and the feeling I had there.

And be prepared to see everyone out and about (like at dinner). Resist the urge to giggle, we weren't so strong.

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1 posts

Sounds like Baden Baden is a must do - but in the nude while traveling with my son? Well, there no way he could handle that.

Are you certain we can't wear a swim suit?


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7901 posts

Maureen; Maybe try the other baths in town, the Caracalla Therme. It is less structured, a wide selection of pools and water features to go in, sort of like a warm water park. Everyone wears suits in the main portion, but the upper sauna level is nude. website is:

Posted by
208 posts

Maureen, I know you will be on the GAS tour a couple weeks before me but will be in Baden Baden on the same days of the week which will be male/female days.
Just set your appt an hour or two before his and you will never see each other until after its over. But, there are places that you can wear suits per Ricks Book and other posts. The 3 hour spa treatment is a nude experience and that is what they say is so wonderful. ENJOY

Posted by
588 posts

Maureen, there is also a water park at spa (suits allowed). Some of my friends really enjoyed it. Perhaps your son might want to try it.

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26 posts

The experience looks heavenly from the show but I am extremely self conscious about being naked. I take it a swimsuit is strictly NOT allowed (rather than not encouraged)? And when I'm going from room to room - would I be able to wrap a towel around my midsection and then remove it as I slip into the water? I'd be more inclined to do it if I could limit the full nudity to "in the water". If I'm extremely uncomfortable it would defeat the whole purpose of going to a spa in the first place. So thanks for anyone who's been there that can help.

There is a website for the spa Rick visited as well as it's sister spa which from what I understand allows swimsuits - It didn't have as many pictures or as much info as I'd like but you can make reservations on there and at least check it out.