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Backpacking trip advice

A long time dream of mine is to backpack through Europe, and next summer looks like the perfect opportunity.

In June, 2010, I am going on a two-week guided trip to Italy with my choir. We will be singing and sight-seeing in Florence, Venice, and Rome. When our trip finishes on June 30th, I want to stay in Europe by myself until school starts the last week of August (I think that comes to about 7 1/2 weeks). Here's a little bit about myself and what I want to acheive:

I am a female 24 (25 in summer) year old music history Master's student. As you might grasp from my degree, I love learning about history, art, and culture. I want to stay in hostels and meet people from around the globe. I did this for two weeks in the UK and Ireland surrounding a summer study abroad program in Cambridge, and had such an invaluable experience that I am ready to hit the mainland.

Per the tour company's rules, I must fly out of Rome to keep my good financial deal. Therefore, whatever path I take needs to begin and end in Italy.

I've already been to France, Greece, the UK, and Ireland, so I would rather not revisit them and instead use my time to discover new places.

I have friends in Milan, Munich, and Faaborg who said they will host me if I visit them.

I want to explore more of Italy by myself, without a cumbersome tour group.

I love nature as much as the city and would like to spend healthy time between both. I would also like to visit smaller, less touristy, places to grasp the culture.

I want to see as much as possible without overtaxing myself. Where should I go? What should I do? Please, send me all your travel advice!

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638 posts

Hi Carrie, sounds like a very workable plan. Now if I understand correctly you said you have to fly out of Rome to keep a travel deal. I recommend flying to Milan or Munich and visiting your friends that you said can accomodate you. That will serve many of your needs and desires, you'll still be near or in Italy with easy access to the countryside of Italy, and it should be a quick flight, but personally and most importantly it will give you a chance to decompress and adjust to not being with the tour group, going from a large group to being by oneself can sometimes be overwhelming emotionally, it's happened to me and I've witnessed it with others. Since you'll be staying with friends you'll have that buffer and have time to adjust. Staying in hostels will provide some you your desires too, getting closer to the culture, metting other travelers. I can't think of any specifics to pass along at this time but you do have a very workable plan and a great timeframe.

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162 posts

If you spend all 7 weeks in Italy, then you have enough time to go from the Alps all the way to Sicily. Rick Steves' Italy book must be his single thickest book dedicated to one country. I have been to Italy, but I am not an Italy expert. Italy has it all, see the art and architecture, experience the history, taste the food and wine, hear the opera, and climb a volcano.

Do you plan to spend all your time in Italy? If not, I suggest you take the ferry across the Adriatic to Croatia or by train to Slovenia then down to Croatia. From there you could venture further inland to Bosnia: Mostar and Sarajevo where there are tourists, but not packed like Italy or Croatia. Other suggestions: north to Switzerland and Austria.

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32 posts

Thanks, guys. I know it's far ahead, but I'm too excited that I want to start planning now.

Barry, I see your point. I didn't even think of the shock from going from a large group to myself. Good idea.

Chris, I will get Rick Steves' book, then! I was not aware Italy had so much to offer. I do want to visit other countries, too. I would like to see as much of Europe as I can without being too ambitious that I wear myself out.

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4 posts

If you can make it up to Brugge, Belgium, I'd highly recommend it! I was there for a few days this summer and LOVED it! It's a very well-preserved historical city, small, but with enough things to see. We took a bike trip to the Dutch border that was phenomenal - you'd get the history and the nature all at once!
Sevilla, Spain is also a great smaller city to visit. It's full of character and things to do.

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1358 posts

As a fellow musician, I'd recommend going to Salzburg, especially if you're going to Munich, it's an easy train ride. You should consider Vienna, too. If you're going to be there in August, you can hit the music festival in Salzburg. Plan ahead, though, tickets sell out, especially the cheaper ones. You can catch the Berlin Philharmonic if you're lucky.

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32 posts

Thank you.

Danielle, that place sounds wonderful. I love bike riding, too, so I will definitely take your suggestion.

Maureen, I forgot about the Salzburg Festival! Glad you mentioned it! That will definitely be a new priority to add to my list.

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190 posts

At this point, I would imagine that you have a million ideas running rampant through your mind! May I suggest that you get a map of Europe and some markers. Put a big circle in RED around Rome - your in-and-out place. Then take light colored markers and circle or dot the places you see on the map that are of particular interest to you. Then sort of connect-the-dots from Rome and back to Rome. Work out the travel times and start cutting out what just doesn't fit or takes too long to get to/from. Then take darker markers and mark your final draft destinations.

I hope this will help you begin to get your ideas in order. (You will probably need to buy 2 maps. The first time I tried this, I needed 3!)