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B&B or good heap hotl in Florence Italy & Milan Italy

Any good recommendations for B&B or reasonable hotel in Florence and Milan Italy

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9104 posts

Hard to provide suggestions without knowing what you define as reasonable.

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638 posts

Or the definition of heap, and I'm assuming you mean hotel (hotl).

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638 posts

To get a good response to your question it would make it much easier if you would provide more information. Whats reasonable to one person is cheap to another and expensive to a third, and thats not even taking into considersation a reasonable distance to sites to see and to restaurants. Cheap and reasonable have two different meanings, cheap could mean a single room with a single bed with a bare lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and a shared bathroom down the hall next to the train station in a less desireable part of town, some may not think that is a reasonable place to stay and then some may, afterall they wanted cheap. My point being I once answered a post from a woman who felt it was reasonable to travel over a half hour by the tube in London back and forth to the city center to save some money, but to me it wasn't reasonable for the reason that would be at least an hour a day on the subway for only one trip, she was traveling with her mother who was over 60, now if she wanted to go back to the hotel and rest for a while and later wanted or needed to go back to the city center that would be another hour of traveling, and after a day or two of this would she think to herself, "I just don't have the energy or desire to ride that subway", then the evening is spent sitting in a hotel, I don't think the reason she traveled and spent a lot money to travel to England was to sit in a room. Money saved is not always money well spent. It will help you in your planning if you look at your typical day and the sites you want to see, and your fitness level, one person can stay on their feet all day whereas another cannot. so to get a helpful response you need to provide information that needs to be taken into consideration. And I apolgize for being abupt but please take the time to edit your posts.

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33513 posts

I actually like the expression, "Heap Hot" for a super cheap hotel. I think I will use it myself.