Looking for where to travel with another family this summer in Europe. We are stuck with the second or third week of July which is not my choice but can't be avoided. There will be four parents and 7 "youngsters" ages 13-21. In order of preference, we are interested in France, Italy or Spain. We have been to both France and Italy but the point is for us to be together and enjoy good food and culture. We are from New Orleans where we get more than our share of hot weather so would like to do our best to avoid the heat and are starting by looking for a more moderate climate. I have been to Lake Como in the summer when it was sweltering and outdoor activities (including meals) after lunch were most unpleasant so we would like to avoid that experience.
I am hoping for advice on a town or village where we can rent a house or a couple of flats and walk to cafes, shops, etc. We will have two cars but will all have more fun if we can walk around and explore. We like to have a home base from which to wander rather than hotel hopping. I have heard that the Basque country in Spain is nice that time of year and I can see how having the beach near by might be fun-anyone with experience/suggestions there? Other ideas or suggestions that you might offer?