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Avoid baggage charges when using Capitol One

Does anyone know how to avoid baggage fees when using Capitol One Venture card for flights? I have all the major airline credit cards for free luggage, but don't you have to charge the flight on that particular card for free baggage?

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28363 posts

I believe you do. The Capital One credit card is now my second back-up, since I've found the miles I earn on airline cards to be worth more than the Capitol One benefits, and then there's the matter of the luggage allowance on domestic flights, as you noted. If you're thinking about international flights, check out the appropriate airlines' websites. Most of the US legacy carriers still allow at least one free checked bag on flights to Europe, I think.

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23650 posts

There is still free luggage on international flights. I think one bag for economy and two for first/business. The exception are the deep discount airlines. However, that could change tomorrow so check the web site for your flight. And you do have to use the charge for free luggage. I only use United and Delta. Was not aware of free luggage with Cap One. How would that work? Refund?

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28363 posts

There's no luggage benefit with the Cap One card as far as I know. I believe that is the OP's point. The airline cards also (sometimes?) confer priority-boarding benefits, but I think you have to have used the card to buy the ticket.