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Australian Article on Packing Light

Thanks to Brad over at One Bag, One World, I found this article on packing light and thought I'd share it:

Worth the Carry-On

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11507 posts

. I would no more travel for 3 weeks with 2 pairs of pants and no skirts or dresses then I would fly to the moon.

Theres travelling light( I do pack and bring just one 22 inch suitcase) and then there is packing so light,, that frankly I now know who is smelling up the crowded areas in the touristy sites,, not locals with bad hygiene or an aversion to underarm deorderant( as often thought, LOL ) but other tourists wearing the same clothes for more then 3 days in a row...LOL

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1819 posts

Saw a good comment in recent Sunday travel section regarding "packing light carry-on" from a flight attendant. She said, "before you fly, pack the bag, put on the shoes you intend to wear on the flight, then attempt to put the bag on top of your refrigerator. If you can't do this easily, check it." I also recommend using your kitchen scale to check the weight of items as you choose what to take. Often, three of one item will weigh less than two different choices of the same item.

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4555 posts

It's not the number of pairs of slacks/pants you's the number of pairs of underwear! (19 inch suitcase)

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12172 posts

Best general piece of advice when picking clothes to pack:

"Think versatile, practical and acceptable."

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1717 posts

Hi Frank II. I appreciate the Link that you put here. I like Alice Russell's Ten suggestions for packing, and her list of things to put in a travel bag. But I do not put two pairs of shoes in my travel bag.

Posted by
676 posts

Frank, I can't get this link, can you send it in www. format?? Thanks :)

Posted by
421 posts

ok now that is packing LIGHT.....
way too light for my comfort level

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23269 posts

Great article. Light is how you wish to define it but it is very close to exactly what we carry except for shoes which is generally one pair and very light weight pair of sandals for the room and showers.