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ATM withdrawals in Europe

I have heard you cannot have a pin beginning with 0---is this true?

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4555 posts

No...not for several years now, has this been a problem.

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23557 posts

Just another one of those myths that will not die.

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6898 posts

My ATM card PIN begins with a zero. Never a problem. It's a myth. It is true that your PIN should not exceed 4 digits and none should be letters.

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9369 posts

I've used both of my ATM cards (both with leading 0) all over Europe, China, and Costa Rica without a single problem.

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23557 posts

Letters are not a problem PROVIDED you know the number it represents. In fact all my pin numbers are letters because I find it easier to remember them that way. But I also know the numbers or least how to determine what the numbers should be. You will not find any letters on the key pads in Europe.

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233 posts

I also have never had a problem with a PIN number beginning in zero in Europe. Don't stress about it!

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64 posts

My PIN begins with a zero and I had no issues in France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Poland, Italy or Israel.

So I'm pretty sure I can say that is a falsehood.