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ATM PIN in France & Italy

Hi all, In many guidebooks that I read, they always say that Europe ATM machines only accept 4 digits PIN number. Is that still the current case? Or can the ATM machine accept cards with longer digits now? The thing is that my ATM cards (as all ATM cards in Singapore) has 5 digits PIN number. And as it is required by Singapore law, the banks can't change it to 4 digits. So, my concern is, will I encounter any problem drawing money from ATM machines in France (Paris, Nice) and Italy (Rome)? Thanks!

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23550 posts

Unfortunately that is a good question that I have not seen addressed. My first GUESS is that it will work since it is not a fill in the blanks question and you only have four spaces. And I would assume that if other travelers had had problems your bank would have heard from them.

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831 posts

Can't speak for France but in Italy the banks routinely issue 5 and 6 digit PINs. While my PIN is only 4 digits I have noticed blanks for 6 digits when using some bancomats.

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56 posts

Thanks for the comments. It seems that Italy is fine then. Anyone knows about the ATM machine in France, whether they can accept the 5 digits PIN ATM?