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ATM Debit Card Fees -- your bank and the other bank

All -- I have a credit union ATM debit card that I can withdraw cash from a European ATM. My bank will not charge me a fee, but the bank dispensing the cash can and will. Does anyone have any experience with the fees other banks charge? I also have a Bank of America debit card I will use. They will charge me a 1% fee, but not sure if the dispensing bank will charge me. Has anyone withdrew Euros from an ATM in France lately that has some recent experience with fees. And, what exchange rate is actually being used? Thanks

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446 posts

You should not be charged any fees from a French bank's ATM. Just make sure it is an ATM attached to a well-known French bank, such as Societe Generale, BNP/Paribas, etc. Some "private" ATMs -- like those you sometimes see in USA convenience stores -- will charge a fee. There may also be some ATMs at airports that are operated by exchange bureaux, such as TravelEx. Don't use those. If you stick with "real" banks, you will not be charged a fee.

The exchange rate will be about 1% over the interbank rate. This is set by VISA.

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9109 posts

I've yet to come across a bank ATM in Europe that charges any kind of transaction fee. Any fees you incur will be from your own bank/credit union.

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9369 posts

Use the credit union card. European ATMs will not charge you a fee like out-of-network banks do here.