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AT&T Worldwide card and European cell phone questions

Hi all - this is a 2-part question. First, I have been using an AT&T worldwide calling card to call friends in Germany and I was wondering if it can be used in Europe to call the U.S. (I assume that would be landline to landline.) Has anyone used the card in Europe and if so, what's the rate per minute? Does the rate depend on which country you call? Second, I think I will purchase a European cell phone on my next trip to make calls to the U.S. I know you can buy a prepaid cell phone and minutes. When you call the U.S., or if someone from the U.S. calls you, is there an additional charge on your end for international/roaming calls? Do you need to buy a cell phone calling card to use in conjunction with your phone to make international calls?

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2876 posts

I'll answer the first part: yes, you can use the AT&T card to call the US from Europe. All you need to know is the AT&T access number for the country you're calling from. You can download a wallet card from the AT&T website with all their international access numbers.

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2799 posts

I've used one calling home while was great...I know in the UK it was 6 cents per minute.

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32324 posts

Sarah, A few comments on the second part of your question. Your rate to call the U.S. from Europe will depend on which plan you choose when you purchase the phone. You didn't specify which country you were planning to buy the phone in? If someone from the U.S. calls you, they will have to pay long distance, as they're dialing an overseas number. Depending on the plan you choose, incoming calls may be free. Keep in mind that if you purchase a phone in one country in Europe, if you use that phone in other countries you'll be "roaming" and your minutes will be depleted faster (ie: the rates will be higher). I don't buy a "cell phone calling card", so can't say whether that's a good option for international calls. Depending on the duration of your trip, you could also consider one of the travel Cell Phone firms such as Roam Simple, Call In Europe, Cellular Abroad, Telestial or Mobal. They can supply both complete phone and SIM card packages, or just SIM cards for those that already have a compatible phone. Cheers!

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1152 posts

Not sure if this is still true, but here is the procedure I had to use a few years ago with a U.S.-issued AT&T calling card when in Europe calling anywhere: To use the at&t cards: (1) dial the local access number for country you are in (2) dial the U.S. 800 access number (3) put in calling card number (4) dial number you want to call

Posted by
1976 posts

Thanks for your advice. Ken - I'm hoping my next European trip will include 2 weeks in the UK (England, and perhaps Wales too), with visits to friends in Austria (probably Salzburg) and Germany (probably Hamburg) and a stop in Amsterdam. I would plan to purchase a phone in the UK.