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Art Shows

Does anybody know if I need anything special to sell at an art or craft fair, festival or market in Europe?

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9110 posts

France and Spain require municipal vendor's permits. I have no idea about the other sixty-eleven countries. So does Italy, I think, that's why some of the idiots scram with their blankets full of junk when they see the fuzz. Their might be an issue with coming in as a tourist and engaging in commerce.

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3 posts

Thank you very much. Any info on England? I called one promoter and she said I didn't need anything, she only wondered about a visa. My friend from Bulgaria said you need to pay VAT tax coming in.
But thank you so much.

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331 posts

In England, if you are selling on a street market you will need a permit and have to pay a 'pitch' fee. At a craft fair you will not. Just contact the organisers and reserve your space. You might have to pay a fee for your pitch but not necessarily. If you are planning on just standing on a street corner then be prepared to scarper!

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5678 posts

If you're bringing goods into a country with the intention of selling them, mightn't there be customs issues? Now, if you buy the supplied in Europe and create the item there I wouldn't think that there would be a problem, except unless there are again issues of doing commerce as a tourist. I know that you are asked this question about goods for re-sale when you clear customs (and I think customs is correct, not immigration) entering the US. Pam

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3 posts

I never knew about Europe for selling. I always sold in Russia with no problem because I speak the language and buy stuff there. I will buy everything I need to make things in their country.