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Around the world in 180 days!

All advice and feedback welcome... I am planning a trip around the world for six months starting in January. I am looking to include adventure, sight-seeing, and mission work along the way. My first stop is Costa Rica for a mission trip (send ideas on this as well) and then off to South America. I am planning to go to Peru and Argentina, can't decide on Chile yet - where to go there?

I then plan to go to South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. A quick stop through Beijing and then Agra. Egypt and possibly Morocco (not sure yet) and then throughout Europe... Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, and Greece. We have been told that we should end the trip in St. Petersburg for the White Nights Festival around end of June.

I need help with all of this. I am very frustrated... I have been working with a travel company and they have been very slow to get anything moving for me. I'd love input on must-see places as well as places to avoid in the countries above, travel tips, etc. For example, do you recommend the Around the World Pass? Do we make hotel reservations along the way? Should we get a guided tour in certain areas?

As you can see, I need some guidance. Help! :)

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3428 posts

Both USAirways and British Air offer "create your own" around the world packages. It is a set fare good for up to 3 months with unlimited flights on the airline and affilated airlines. Some restrictions- must go in 1 direction (can't zigzag east, then west...); must have stops on at least 3 continents... etc. I don't know if it would help with your extended itenerary- but worth checking into.

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1591 posts

Do you have any idea how you want to divide your time? If not, you are going to get suggestions that are useless to you.

For example, in Peru, I would suggest getting to Puno and Lake Titicaca and then crossing into Bolivia. Since you are looking for adventure, do the trip through Salar de Uyuni and then enter Northern Chile. From there head down the coast to Valpariso and then decide if you want to cross the Andes and head to Mendoza or go way south to Puerto Montt and then do the lakes/mountain crossing to Bariloche in Argentina.

Also, if all you are going to see in China is Beijing and only Agra in India, you will be spending a fair amount in visas and airport fees for very short stops.

Hotel rez - depends on your budget and time in each country. If you are looking for mid to high priced hotels, definitely book around festivals and holidays - otherwise you may be fine winging it. A lot of this does come down to your desires and what you are comfortable with.

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162 posts

I don't want to send you away, and do keep asking questions here because I would be interested to hear about your progress, but Lonely Planet has an online forum called The Thorn Tree full of round the world travellers.

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1806 posts

First read or listen to Podcasts on extended travel. A book like "Vagabonding" by Rolf Potts or a Podcast like "A Year In Europe" can give you insight on how to plan/devise a pre-trip itinerary and help you understand what life is like on the road for an extended period of time.

Not sure how old you are, but even if you are 18, extended travel - especially at a frantic pace - can tax you physically and mentally. Do think carefully about your itinerary and whether you really want to zip through countries for just 1 or 2 quick sights just so you can say you did it, or if you'd rather use that time to explore 1 of your other countries further.

Take time to stop and smell the roses during a lengthy trip. If you attempt to plot out a trip like you are on an episode of The Amazing Race, places and experiences will start to blur together and you end up remembering absolutely nothing. I did a RTW for a year and was glad I took the quality over quantity route. I did not visit as many countries as I may have wanted to, but those I did visit, I really got to explore and have memorable experiences.

When do you plan on leaving? What is your budget - are you backpacking on the cheap at hostels and campsites, or doing a mix of modest budget hotel or B&B stays with a few occassional splurges? Do you expect to stay in one particular area or city for a week or more - and will you be looking for short-term furnished apartments? How many of you are traveling together? Sometimes a hostel bed may be good for a solo traveler, but if there are 2 or 3 of you, the cost per person for a budget hotel or apartment can be the same or even less than a hostel when split.

I don't suggest having an entire trip mapped out ahead of time by a travel company. Leave yourself some breathing room so you can change your plans as needed or stay longer in places you enjoy.

If you have any other questions on your RTW, feel free to send me a private message.

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3551 posts

Your question is huge. You do not mention budget... very key for an extensive trip like yours. When you do decide where... remember you will need passport and poss. visas (which can take time to get espec. Russia)and the important vaccinations recom by the CDC Atlanta. Around the world pass can save alot of $ but takes time and an expert at the airlines of your choice to help w/ arrival/departure airports.

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3580 posts

I met a young British couple in Hawaii a couple of years ago. They were circling the globe, staying at each place a week. They named a few places they'd stayed in the US on their way to NZ and Oz, then on to several places in Asia, etc. I thought that was a good way to organize a long trip, one week in each place. It gives time for exploration without bogging you down in some place you may not like.

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13 posts

Wow, what a trip! My fiancee and I have been rolling over the idea of a RTW trip too. We have been to Costa Rica and loved it. If I had to do it different I would stay in the rainforest around Mt Arenal or the middle of the country. We stayed on the upper pacific coast which they call "the desert". I guess they have never seen a place like Arizona! It was still beautiful but not the cloud forests like I wanted to stay in. Anyway the people are amazing and very proud of their country. I think you will love it. Hope you have a fun and safe trip!