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Are pocket language translators worth buying?

I am Traveling to Italy, Amsterdam, France and Spain in October. I have been looking at the pocket language translators as a replacement for many phrase books. Are they worth my time? Are there any recommendations for which type I should purchase?

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9369 posts

Are they worth buying? In a word, no. Even if you were successful in quickly locating the phrase you need to use, what happens when you get a lengthy answer back that you can't understand? Can you picture yourself, say, needing directions and laboriously typing your question into the device while the person you are asking stands there waiting? At least with a phrase book you can point to the question you want to ask. In most places in Europe you will find many people who speak at least some English (particularly places that receive a lot of tourists), so you shouldn't have a problem with basic questions. And electronic devices can't cover every eventuality, though neither can phrase books.

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10344 posts

This question has been asked here several times in the last few years, and I can't remember anyone posting here who recommended a pocket language translator (well, maybe one or two, I don't remember).

The reasons not to, that have been given before, are the ones already given by Nancy. It must be that there is a market demand for them, since they manufacture them, so some people must find them useful. If anyone here has found them useful, let us know about it on this thread. The concept makes sense but apparently many people find the practical use of them to be awkward.

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1449 posts

not worth your time. Just try to type everything you say for the next few days (in english) into your cellphone when you're at the grocery store, restaurant, talking to a friend on the street) and you'll quickly get a sense of how impractical they would be.

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2876 posts

I bought one of those things a few years ago. The only thing it was useful for was translating some menu items in cafes/restaurants in France where no one spoke English. Such places were rare. Save your money.

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682 posts

I put a menu translator and a French/English dictionary on my iTouch for our last trip. I used the menu translator quite frequently because I like to know what I'm ordering. I can't see using the dictionary while carrying on a conversation, but it was useful in figuring out signs, etc. Sometimes, I used it to work my way through a newspaper article or something else that looked interesting. I wouldn't carry a dedicated translator, but, since I was taking the iTouch anyway, it was nice to have.

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8 posts

After traveling Europe for the last 6+ weeks, I've found that hand gestures and smiling go a long way when someone doesn't speak English. For the most part though, you'll more than likely find someone in a handful of people that do understand you and you probably won't ever even use the translator. I'd say it's not worth it.

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873 posts

Yeah, if you have an iPod Touch or iPhone, you can download a translator app so you can translate signs/menus/etc. Buying a dedicated device for this seems like a complete waste of money.

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10548 posts

I got a translation app for my Ipod Touch. It appears it only works when wifi is available. Can someone recommend an app that works off line?

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12313 posts

I received a pocket translator a few years back as a present. I tried to use it one trip and found it pretty unworkable even to translate menus. Since then it remains unpacked and unused for trips. Unless there is a significant improvement in them, you're better off without one.

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682 posts

Andrea, I've used Escargo (French menu translator) and Ascendo French/English and Italian/English dictionaries so far. I started with the free versions of the dictionaries to see how easy they were to use and, since I liked them, I bought the pay versions of both. None of these need wifi access to use. I'd love to find an Italian menu translator, but I haven't found one yet.

Posted by
873 posts

I've used the iSpeak Deutsch and it seems to work without need for Wifi. I haven't tried to look yet, but it's likely it comes in other languages.

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10548 posts

I purchased the iSpeak Italian app for my IPod Touch. I tried using it today without wifi. It didn't work. :-( I'm bummed out because this is the first app I have actually paid for and now I wish I hadn't. At least it didn't cost too much. I couldn't find Ascendo for English/Italian. Oh least I didn't get the iSpeak Deutsch, which would have been the next purchase. I just wanted to let people know.