We will soon be traveling to Madrid, Seville, Toledo,etc in Spain. The weather will be quite warm. Do people normally wear shorts in these cities (men and women) or should we restrict ourselves to long pants and skirts?
Bob I am also traveling to Madrid, Seville, Toledo and more in July. I hear Seville will be the hotest, maybe even over 100 degrees.
Unless someone can change my mind I am not even plnannig on bringing any long pants except for one pair. I am planning on bringing mostly knee length skirts and bermuda shorts (the new style for young women where they are almsot knee length). From what I hear it is fine to wear these. You may need to cover your knees though for going into churches etc.
We visited our former exchange student in Spain in August.We were under the impression that European men didn't wear shorts,so my husband only brought long pants.He nearly smothered in Madrid, Granada,and Toledo!Imagine our surprise when the Spanish father of our former student put on his shorts, ball cap and fanny pack! We worried so much about not looking like American tourist and were amused when the Spanish locals looked more American than we did. If it's hot, dress comfortably!My husband certainly regretted being miserable. I think the women mostly wore capris (which we also suprisingly saw a lot of men wearing, too). My student's Spanish mother was amazed that I wore dresses most of the time. Cool, comfortable clothing is a MUST in order for you to enjoy your trip. If you like wearing shorts, make them long and dressy and you'll look fine.
We spent a week and a half in Spain (Madrid, San Sebastian, Pamplona) last July. My sister and I are in our 20s and we wore capris, skirts and shorts with t-shirts and tank tops. We weren't dressed any differently than other women our age. My husband wore lightweight pants or long shorts. We saw both men and women of all ages wearing capri pants. It's very hot so dress in what's most comfortable for you.