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App/Website to organize trip notes?

Hi Everybody,

Does anyone know of a fairly easy to use app or website where I can organize all my travel info? I know you can save specific plans (like flights, hotel, etc) on certain apps like TripIt, but I have random information that I would like to keep together as well (I will probably just copy and paste it). For example, I have some notes from this website, saved messages and forum posts from TripAdvisor, etc., but there's no place I know of to copy these into one spot/location. Can you do this with TripIt? Thanks for any thoughts.

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2393 posts

I have used Tripomatic - you can plan day by day add each stop on a map, select all of the things you want to see in a location on the map, plot walking routes, there is a place or notes, hotel details - I was pretty impressed. They also sync with apps for apple, android & crackberry.

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2081 posts


I "believe" google is trying to or have done it with their calendar and some other google things.

if i remember correctly, its suppose to pull in info from hotel/flights/train and such into your calendar.

I for one dont want that much "google" eyes into my trips so i choose not to use all of their stuff. On another hand, i think its cool, but i dont like to be a beta tester nor lead the pack in certain things.

happy trails.

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833 posts

I know this isn't what you're looking for - but even though I am young and use my Google calendar for tons of stuff, I found the best option for me was to buy a small/medium sized moleskine journal and keep all of my notes in there. When I'm traveling I can't count on access to apps or Gmail, so I love having it all written down there. I organize it loosely, correct information when necessary (when train schedules get updated and such), keep a record of what we've paid for so far, what we still need to pay for. The notebook is journal is small enough to bring in my purse with me and I have my notes everywhere I go.

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6713 posts

Wow, a young person who uses pen and paper! ;)

Gretchen, I do an itinerary in Word, with flights, hotels, etc. including reservation numbers and such, and save it to a folder named for the trip. Then I add links to websites for sights I want to see, like museums, for quick access to hours and special exhibits, also in the trip folder. I scan my passport face page and include any pdf reservation forms (like for a car). Also airport maps, transit websites, RS pages on phones, anything else that might be useful. So what I have is a Windows folder with documents and links related to the trip. I transfer as much as I can into Dropbox, which is loaded on my mini-tablet that goes with me. I also download relevant apps (Trip Advisor, airports, transit, airline,, etc.). So on the tablet I have most of what I expect to need. (Being "on the back nine of life," I also bring paper copies of reservations etc. to discard as I use them.)

I've looked at Tripit and Tripomatic and they look easy but I'd rather build my own trip than theirs. Tripomatic in particular seems very selective re accommodations and such. You should be able to store the documents and links you want the way you want them, though you might have challenges across platforms (e.g. Windows to Android). I'm pretty low-tech but it works OK for me.

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161 posts

Try Kayak as well, lets you send yourself flight, hotel, dinner reservations and you can add notes etc on the full site. happy travels!

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5919 posts

I do a decidedly low-tech approach. As I research my trip, I cut and paste info from various sites into one or more word docs. For example, if I'm visiting London and Paris, I will create a word doc for each city. When I get ready to leave, I email the doc(s) to myself. I put them in a a travel email folder that has all the various hotel confirmations, tickets, etc.

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1658 posts

I use the Evernote app. I can save reservations, train schedules, emails, pdf docs, word docs, etc. I often copy interesting posts from RS help line, or other web pages into a word document and save in my "Trip Name" folder on my computer. Then a month or two before the trip I start reviewing and save the documents I want to refer to on the trip to Evernote. As I make reservations, I save emails to Evernote. I can tag each note with "hotel", "city name", "things to do" "trains", etc. so I can go to the tag and quickly find what I'm looking for. So if I have a car rental reservation in Edinburgh, I could select either the Edinburgh Tag or Reservation tag and find the car rental reservation. If I have screen prints of train schedules from Edinburgh to London, I'd tag under "trains" and "Edinburgh. It's $5.00 a month and syncs from my computer (that I leave home) to my ipod (our primary computer while overseas).

I still take a flexible 3 ring binder with printouts of only reservations, but any notes, itinerary, restaurants, things to do, are only on my ever note app. For Planning purposes, I use an excel version of a calendar to start planning the itinerary. On the calendar I note, City, hotel, tours, air/train departure/arrival times, travel time from point A to point B, etc,