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Anyone seen a ghost?

A recent conversation with my wife after booking a stay for next June in Barcaldine Castle in Scotland which is reportedly haunted;

Me: I hope we see the ghost.

My Wife: There's no such thing as ghosts.

Me: Did you book the room that the ghost is supposed to haunt?

My Wife: No, that would be creepy, what if the ghost shows up?

Me: ??

So....has anyone seen a ghost?

Posted by
4196 posts

You know what always intrigued me? How is it the notion of ghosts and haunted places is so prevalent in Anglo-Germanic and Scottish cultural traditions, yet in Spain we have almost no tradition of ghosts/haunting? Even though we have had more old castles, longer history, more tumultuous past, we only have a handful of officially haunted places? Maybe the ghosts don't like our Spanish climate lol!

The only major area of Spain that has a lot of these traditions is Galicia, but I hypothesize that's because they are Celtic and play bagpipes :-)

Now that I'm living in the States, it seems like every other building here, over 100 years old, is reportedly haunted! If we had this same ratio in Spain, we would be completely inundated with ghosts lol!

Posted by
15008 posts

Yes, I've seen a ghost although not on vacation but at home.

Back in the Dark Ages I moved in with my BF who I later married. The house had been his grandmother's and he'd inherited it for having cared for her until her death. She had actually physically helped build the house, doing some of the plastering etc. She came to me twice at night within the first month I lived there - both times were very calm and comforting and I felt she was trying to welcome me to her home. What was really odd was that I had not known her and the picture of her in the house was as a young woman, yet her appearance matched some photographs I later saw of her. No, I had not seen any pictures of her before as they were at the BF's Mom's home several hours away.

I had not "believed" in ghosts until that very time.

Posted by
901 posts

The Calgary Flames were "ghosted" out of the NHL playoffs last season - and many people saw that.

Posted by
4733 posts

The Calgary Flames were "ghosted" out of the NHL playoffs last season

Ouch. That does haunt me.

Posted by
1316 posts

"How is it the notion of ghosts and haunted places is so prevalent in Anglo-Germanic and Scottish cultural traditions, yet in Spain we have almost no tradition of ghosts/haunting?"

Probably religion. Roman Catholics believe in "spirits", including a holy one, but the hard-line Inquisition wasn't terribly keen on the random "ghosts" (an English word of Germanic origin), of non-saints popping up. Even if you felt you saw something, it wouldn't be wise to attribute it to the actual return of your old aunty from purgatory. Safer to talk about a spirit. Anyway these days, the religious stuff has declined a lot and there are plenty of ghost tours offered in Spanish cities.

But to answer the original question - no because, obviously, ghosts (and spirits in the ghostly sense of the word), don't exist.

Posted by
4196 posts

@Nick, you may be on to something, I noticed a similar lack of ghosts/hauntings in my travels through Poland too, which is famously Roman Catholic, and also has a long and tumultuous history. Most of the stories of ghosts were linked to formerly Germanic parts of the country, like this example,_Poland

Posted by
142 posts

I agree with Nick. I was raised Roman Catholic, and believed in ghosts my whole life: ghosts, apparitions, even leprechauns. I became an atheist recently and now I don't believe in any of that.

I have had experiences that I can't find a logical explanation before, but those all happened when I was still a Catholic, like the time my mom disappeared right before my eyes: I was around 11 years old talking to her in the kitchen and suddenly she got up and walked around the house. I was following her while talking at the same time, then I asked her something and she didn't answer. She just kept walking. I asked her again the same question and no answer, then I said "mom?" and she just kept walking until she reached a closed door and pretty much vanished. I blinked and she wasn't there anymore. I said again "mom?!" and hear her voice "I'm here!" She was in my bedroom, my mom said "what are you doing talking all by yourself on the hallway?". For many years this puzzled me, and couldn't find an explanation. Now I think at some point while following her she went into my bedroom and I kept walking behind "something" my brain made up.

I would like to visit a Castle or Hotel that's famous for being haunted, just because. Please, let us know if you see anything :D

Happy Halloween!

Posted by
1225 posts

I've lived near and in New Orleans for some 40 years, and I think that a significant majority of the people in this area do believe in ghosts of some sort, or at least are open to the possibility of their existence. It seems to be part of New Orleans: whatever your religious/non-religious affliation, educational background, racial/cultural identity - it's part of this culture. Probably everyone I know either has seen/experienced a ghost/apparition/strange, unexplained presence, or KNOWS someone who has, or KNOWS someone who KNOWS someone who has. Perhaps it's the centuries-long Catholic, Creole, African, voodoo intermixing of stories, beliefs and experiences. Perhaps it's the heat, the water, the climate. Perhaps it's something else. Anne Rice drew upon it, as have many TV shows, movies, and other novelists. If you want to take a ghost tour, New Orleans is your destination.

Posted by
3373 posts

Yes. They exist. I see ghosts and spirits. I have since I was a small child. It's like standing in front of a window with a blind person. The blind person won't see the person walking by, but the sighted person will see it. I don't justify it, but people have sure been comforted by some ridiculous personal messages that I have passed on to them. Just because you personally can't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You need the right glasses.

Posted by
2252 posts

Happy Halloween! Not seen but certainly felt! We lived with a ghost when we were stationed at F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming in the early 1980s. We were not the first to have lived with Willy in that house, nor do I believe we were the last. His presence, and the presence of other ghostly presences living in those homes built in late 1800s and early 1900s is well documented in a couple of books written by those who also lived with these ghosts. The presences ranged from "our" Willy (a prisoner in the post jail, just across the parade grounds from our house; who escaped, was chased to our house, ran up to the attic and jumped to his death from the window) to the ghost of the mistress of a well known previous commander of the Post, Black Jack Pershing. The US Air Force base was originally established as Fort D.A. Russell in 1867 to protect workers for the Union Pacific Railroad but by early 1900, it was one of the largest cavalry bases in the United States. We never saw nor felt afraid of WIlly, but we did know he was there. We often saw lights on in the attic, window shades up and down, etc. It was an "interesting" assignment.......đŸ‘»

Posted by
15008 posts

Emma, Wray and Andi! What experiences!

Since the conversation after my post was about the impact of religion on "seeing" ghosts/spirits, I'll add that I'm not Roman Catholic. I was a practicing Episcopalian at the time I saw Grandma (who was Southern Baptist) but did not ever feel able to believe in some of the basic tenets of the faith.

After that experience (in 1976), I do concur with Wray's assessment.

Posted by
4733 posts

Nobody has said they've seen a ghost in a haunted castle in the UK. Sadly, I'm starting to think it's a marketing ploy, hmmmm...

Posted by
5585 posts

My previous house built in 1901 was supposed to be haunted, never experienced anything.

My three closest pubs are reputed to be haunted, never experienced anything.

Every castle, coaching inn, stately house etc that I've stayed in has claimed to be haunted, never experienced anything.

We have the technology to view and record objects in space mind boggling distances away yet not one piece of photographic or video evidence exists of a ghost that has been confirmed as genuine.

I place such nonsense in the same category as spontaneous human combustion, poltergeists and religion.

Posted by
3160 posts

Before retiring, I worked as a stockbroker in a 3-broker office of a major discount brokerage firm. Subtle noises started in the early morning in the backroom before we opened the office. Since I was the first in, I started saying "Good Morning Caspar" and the noise would quiet. One of the male brokers was a real jerk to put it nicely. The backroom led to the bathroom. One day the lights went out in the bathroom while he was in there. Nothing was wrong with the switch. I thanked Caspar and had a good laugh. A few weeks later, jerk broker was again in the bathroom and the glass globe fell off the light fixture barely missing his head. I told Caspar that he could scare him but not hurt or kill him. About a month later, Caspar left, never to be heard again. Was it a ghost? I don't know.

Posted by
17601 posts

Two years ago I watched a good YouTube video about Catherine Howard’s ghost at Hampton Court Palace. I cannot find the same one now ( there are many on offer, but this one was particularly well-done and narrated, without any hokey flavor.

This webpage does have some CCTV footage of a “something” opening a door there. . .

Posted by
6882 posts

It might interest some of the ghost believers to ponder why the ways people believe are ghosts varies tremendously from one culture to another. I married into an ethnic Chinese family. I have seen Chinese movies that depict the Chinese notion of ghosts (old movies, not modern CGI stuff that's part of the current worldwide monoculture). There's none of the floating, white-sheet, semi-transparent stuff like we see from "western" ghosts. No, the way ghosts are depicted in Chinese culture (to the limited extent that I've been exposed to it) strikes me as hilarious and absurd: picture a person dressed in traditional Chinese costume, standing stiff and erect but with hands held straight out (picture someone with arms in "waterskiing" mode), then hopping forward, almost like you would see someone move in a "three-legged race". That's apparently what Chinese ghosts do: stand there stiffly, and just hop forward looking like they are waterskiing, with a goofy, blank look on their faces. This appeared to terrify folks, while I laughed out loud and expressed incredulity (relatives gave me weird looks, something we are all used to). I had a hard time feeling scared, or even taking it seriously. Come on...hippity hop, ooooo I'm supposed to be afraid of this? Why?

Point being...WTF? How does their idea of a ghost make any sense? For that matter, how does "ours" (speaking as a "westerner")? It's all nonsense. If ghosts do exist, why do they appear and act so (hilariously) different to different cultures? You know, things in the natural world (ducks, raccoons, tigers, crows, pretty much everything) are depicted fairly consistently around the world. Why would ghosts be any different? I can only think of one reason: because they are simply conjured up from our imaginations.

Believe what you want to. I believe that when a Chinese ghost chases me, my greatest risk is dying of laughter. Hippity hop. And Happy Halloween.

Posted by
32406 posts


I'll believe in ghosts when I see one, and in 60+ years, that hasn't happened yet.

Posted by
4183 posts

I resist belief in anything supernatural, but simply can't explain two events that happened to me.

About 35 years ago I was single and living in a new apartment complex in Steilacoom WA, right on Puget Sound and the oldest (1854) incorporated town in the state.

One night I woke to see a middle aged man with graying hair standing next to my bed. He was dressed like a 19th century sea captain. He wore a hat and a double breasted jacket. He was a little rumpled and had a goatee. I had the distinct feeling that he was Norwegian. Strangely, I wasn't scared. He said he was my guardian angel and that he would always be protecting me. I went right back to sleep.

I remember that event as strongly today as I did when I woke up that morning. Was I dreaming? Most likely, and I haven't seen him since, but I still wonder.

The second event wasn't so benign. My husband and I were driving in rural NY about 25 years ago. We decided to stay in a B&B farmhouse we saw from the road. We got all settled into our room on the 2nd floor.

It was almost 9:00 pm and everything was closed in the small town. The host called a restaurant that was on the verge of closing and they agreed to stay open for us.

There were a few other people there when we arrived, but we definitely were the last to leave. We had a great Italian meal, complete with dessert and conversation with the owners, drove back to the B&B and went to bed. It had been a great evening, so far.

I was sleeping on the side of the bed next to the exterior wall. It had a window in it just beyond the foot of the bed. I woke up in the middle of a nightmare screaming loud enough to wake my husband and probably some of the other guests.

I was laying on my left side and felt something put its arms around my waist and try to pull me out of bed. I thought it wanted to take me out through that window. What was it? The only word that I can use for it is wraith. That's also a very vivid dream that still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I've had no positive or negative similar experiences in the UK, Europe or Scandinavia. I'm fine with that.

Posted by
901 posts

Allan -
In fairness - The Flames came back from "The Dead" to "ghost" Nashville in overtime Halloween night.
You see - anything is possible - even dead men skating!

Posted by
4733 posts

Blue439, I wasn't thinking ghosts during the first part of that game, I was thinking they were playing like zombies, but I guess that's a post for another Halloween.

Posted by
4196 posts

Based on this article, ghosts are equal opportunity haunters across the world., except Spain, it doesn't make the list.

I've been to 9 of those places on the "most-haunted-places-in-the-world" list and have never seen anything supernatural, I guess Spain is just not a welcoming place for Ghosts...

Our most "haunted house" is rather benign:
It turns out it was just the property owners creating these things all along, trying to make a quick buck, a bit like Scooby Doo lol!

Witches, on the other hand, are our specialty:

Posted by
3160 posts

Lo, guardian angels do exist. Mine came to me when I was about 12 or 13. She was so clear and her imagine so vivid that it was like she was sitting on my bed. She wore a "pink" hunt coat and had dark hair. I did not ride as a child and had no idea what show jumpers wore. Many years later I heard that an amateur jumper rider who's name I don't know was murdered about the same time. She has "helped" me many times over the past 55 years.

Posted by
7319 posts

Lived in a haunted house years ago, but haven’t seen any ghosts in all my stays in old European castles, monasteries, hospitals, or hotels. Guess I’m not open to them like some people are.

Posted by
21 posts

I'm off the belief, if you're open to the experience, they will come and no need to be afraid.
I can attest to several incidents; I live in a home built circa 1890 and I know the previous owner died here, I've never seen him but I've smelled Cologne that is not me and home alone but I just say hi..
I also lived in sharpsburg md, home to Antietam battlefied, the bloodiest battle of our civil war, 23,000 people died over 3 days and I've seen men in uniform when we used to drive around at night. It never scared me but I know what I saw. The NPS does an illumination every December lighting 23000 candles that burn all night to honor the fallen, it's quite the experience if anyone is the maryland area.
Thirdly, my parents live in a home, circa 1900 in Frederick, MD and one day my dad heard a toy of my brother's so he went and turned it off, he left and the toy played again, he returned, turned it off and removed the battery but only stepped outside the door, the toy turned on again and he quickly looked and saw a small boy in blue Jean cover alls, but he had no face, just a blur. At the time my brother was away at family 6 hrs away and my dad was so freaked out he thought it was an omen, he drove in a snow storm to get me brother... who knows but I know my dad has since passed and I awoke one night to see him standing at the end of my bed. Whatever it is I like them near me.

Posted by
89 posts

" I wasn't thinking ghosts during the first part of that game, I was thinking they were playing like zombies,"
We were at that game. Preds "gave up the ghost" in 3rd period and the Flames were on fire, deserved to win.

Posted by
15008 posts

Jaime, you made me think of another instance. I worked in a hospital that was built in the early 1900's. In one particular stairwell in the oldest part of the building I used to catch the flick of a white "nursing sister's" habit and hear the shush of fabric. It would not be when I was looking for it but usually when I had something on my mind so was not paying attention to anything but the steps.

Cate, very interesting. I have an ancestor who died at Antietam (or well, succumbed weeks later). I will make plans to visit that candlelight event some time. (Also funny that you are from Harper's Ferry as other ancestors were the night watchmen captured by John Brown!)

Posted by
4684 posts

A couple of years ago I went to Bournemouth for a work conference with a colleague. I stayed at a cheaper hotel but she has problems with walking long distances and booked at a hotel close to the conference centre, which was a Victorian building purpose built as a hotel. She swore the absolute truth of this, and seemed genuinely scared by it, that in the middle of the night she was woken up by somebody sitting on the edge of her bed and then lying down next to her. Of course she switched the light on immediately and there was nobody visible there...

Posted by
8293 posts

“...... and there was nobody visible there.”

Of course not. Your friend awoke from a dream. Nothing could be more obvious.

Posted by
3373 posts

Actually, the average person usually won't usually see a ghost or spirit when they turn the light on because you are changing your 'speed' so to speak. Had she not been nervous and just 'been' there a moment, she could very well have seen the spirit. On the other hand, some people can just feel, smell or hear.

There are people, who, of course, refuse to believe in the existence of such things. And that is OK. The disbelief is safe, because it can be quite scary, otherwise. And no matter how much information a 'sighted' person gives, some receivers will refuse to believe. Others derive great comfort. Off the top of my head, I'll discuss one man to whom I gave information about his deceased mother, her concerns about him, etc. (She was always hanging around me in his presence so I could no longer ignore her). And after all the personal information I'd given him about his mother; ie full name, appearance, etc. Finally, he said, " OK, how tall was my mother." I immediately told him (after she told me) and he, after looking shocked, said, "Lucky guess", which of course it wasn't. However, after that he never asked again, which previously he was always asking. But from that day forward, he introduced me with "She talks to dead people", which is not how I like to be introduced. I stay away from this person now. LOL

Posted by
21 posts

Pam, you're welcome to come my way to visit Antietam, I'd be happy to show you around. The illumination is quite cool as you drive thru the battlefield with your headlights off, it's quite the experience with 23 thousand candles burning. PM me anytime.
I do remember my SIL telling me, my parents own a 1800s church next door, she wanted some pews, when my brother and her opened the doors a full congregation was staring back at them, dressed in 1800 garb... she quickly said no they can keep them.. she wasn't scared but closed the doors... not been opened since...

Posted by
1694 posts

I’ve had my fair share of experiences but strangely enough only when travelling. I discovered my gift as a late youth wandering through Sherwood Forest, where I came upon Robin Hood. He appeared to be lost and confused, asking if I knew the way back to The Major Oak. He looked the part, what with his green tights and bow and arrow, but I think it was really Will Scarlet trying to pull his felt cap over my eyes.

Walking through the Place des Vosges one dark and misty night, I was approached by the ghost of a masked executioner, a beast of a man holding a giant ax. Fortunately he spoke perfect English and I was surprised by the softness of his voice. Teary-eyed, he spoke with fondness of the good old days, claiming to have cleaved the heads of hundreds of nobles and suspected traitors during the revolution, mindful to point out that any executioner worth his salt would never be caught dead using the guillotine. He certainly gave me the impression that he knew his business. And he mentioned in parting that he would have been happy to lop off my head if I were a French noble and hang it on his chalet wall as a trophy, as mine was the most handsome face he had ever seen. I wasn’t going to argue his point, he had a sharp ax in his hands.

There have been many more sightings since, famous and not so famous. Earlier this year at the Smithsonian, before doors opened to the general public, Julia Child rustled me up a ham and cheese omelette for breakfast in her kitchen.

“I’m really enjoying this, such a creamy texture,” I told her, and I was being honest.

“People who love to eat are always the best people,” she replied. She made my day.

Posted by
4733 posts

Of course not. Your friend awoke from a dream. Nothing could be more

What's the fun in thinking that????

Posted by
8293 posts

Well, if you have fun believing in ghosts, then of course you must continue. We all need to find our own fun. (cue scary noises and clanking of chains.)

Posted by
15008 posts

Cate! Thanks so much for the offer. I might pick your brain!

Posted by
4657 posts

I have not been blessed with visitations by ghosts, but I won't disbelieve it. They used to poo poo the ability to reach the moon, or that there were germs, or that the world was round. Even in the 16C,a famous bard knew to write 'there are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio'. We don't know it all, folks.

Posted by
6608 posts

I don't have my own ghost story (except visiting Gettysburg Battlefield - that place is definitely haunted) but I'll share an experience my friend had. Not in Europe, though.

My friend's husband died, suddenly and totally unexpectedly. The night after the funeral, friend had the distinct impression that someone was sitting on the side of her bed, the same place her husband used to sit to kiss her goodnight.

Imagination, right? Except the next morning, her two grown daughters, home for the funeral, said "We started to come into your room last night, but didn't want to bother you while Daddy was there."

Posted by
4733 posts

I would like to visit a Castle or Hotel that's famous for being
haunted, just because. Please, let us know if you see anything :D

Fun responses. The above was what I was expecting; probably because that was closest to my thoughts when we booked Barcaldine Castle. I figured it would be like going to a horror movie and knowing it's not real but the anticipation of a fright is half the fun. My wife has no belief in ghosts, but after reading some of the posts I'm staying optimistic....

Posted by
21 posts

Interesting topic Allan, I think MariaF says it best... they used to poo poo.. hilarious!!!
All I can say is those who experience not afraid, those who don't. . It's ok, that's what makes a good conversation.
But good old fashioned karma might change their minds... I got an 1800s church you can open.... lol

Posted by
372 posts

My mother was ill with cancer and died in Virginia while I was home in Louisiana. I had a flight scheduled for the next day, but I was too late to see her before she passed.

The next day when my plane arrived at the small Virginia airport, I was looking out of the plane windows as I was walking down the aisle to leave the plane. As I looked out the window, I could see her standing by the fence off by the side of the airport. I kept looking out the windows as I walked to the door of the plane, and saw her until I disembarked. When I got out of the plane, no one was there.
This is the only time I've ever had any kind of experience with ghosts. I think she just wanted to see me one last time before she went completely.

I found it comforting, not creepy or scary. (But if it was any other ghost, I might not be so calm about it!)

Posted by
12315 posts

I saw some things at the Whaley House in San Diego as a teen. I'm not sure I recall exactly but I recall it being unexplainable. My best recollection is a distinctively cold area in a non-air conditioned building and what seemed like a small child pinching a curtain from behind but nothing behind the curtain.

I've yet to see anything along that line in Europe.