If you enjoy trains you might enjoy this: http://www.mavnosztalgia.hu/en/programs/show/798
Other great European train rides?
If you enjoy trains you might enjoy this: http://www.mavnosztalgia.hu/en/programs/show/798
Other great European train rides?
It's very annoying to be teased like this.
Just kidding, James. Maybe I'll spend the day in Jerusalem to compensate.
It just looked an interesting trip and thought someone else would enjoy it. Also thought someone might know of other similar trips. Another of my favorites is the Septemvri-Dobrinishte narrow gauge line in Bulgaria. But instead of it being a tourist train this is a functional railroad that goes through some spectacular countryside. https://www.google.com/search?q=Septemvri-Dobrinishte+narrow+gauge+line&safe=off&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwja5Pu_3MzKAhUGvoMKHedKCxMQsAQIVg&biw=1920&bih=1009
We rode about a 2.5 hour stretch of it. There was a local woman of very modest means, and her two children in the carriage with us. None of which spoke English. I suspect they hadn't seen many tourist in their lives. When she realized we hadn't brought any food or water for the trip she opened her sack and insisted on sharing the little that they had. It helped make the trip pretty amazing.