I have been fortunate to keep traveling after my MS diagnosis 6 years ago. I now use a wheelchair for airports and distances- thanks to lots of help from my husband. But I'm finding the long flights getting harder. Specifically, my legs get more painful and tighter with all the sitting. Has anyone else had this situation. Any tips to help other than frequent short walks? .Thank you so much!
I met a retired NY couple a few years ago who travel to the UK every year on the QM2, both ways. They both hate flying nowadays and this is their solution. Time and money required, of course.
Edit: of course, I just now realized that you live in Seattle so going to Europe by sea is not a solution for you. Darn.
My brother has MS and returns to the UK each Christmas from Australia. He too gets wheelchair assistance at the airport. He breaks the flight, which is 25 hours door to door with a stopover in Thailand and he changes plane in the Middle East, so he gets some exercise then. He tries to sleep as much as possible on the plane.
He wears a leg brace on his weak leg when flying to keep his foot at right angles to his leg, although this gives him leg ache for a couple of days afterwards. He doesn't drink alcohol on the flights and keeps well hydrated and walks around when possible.
I have a FB friend who has MS whom I have known for many years. She does not let MS stop her from traveling. She has been to Oman for several weeks where she toured many of the outback archeological sites and castles. Yes, she even climbed (slowly) many steps in the castles. The next year she did about three weeks in the back jungles of Borneo, and she was suppose to have gone to Morocco last summer. She has toured her own country, the United Kingdom quit extensively. Nothing stops her from traveling! Her stories are hilarious and and at times quite sobering. She has been able to witness current events that many of us will never see and in unique ways we who do not have MS might view these events. She has met dignitaries as well as worked with those back in the jungles of Borneo. She has not let her wheel chair or her sticks stop her from traveling and seeing the world. Oh yes, her husband has always stayed home. She has managed to navigate the complexities of world wide airports big and small with grit and determination. Luckily, there has always been someone to meet her at the airport to which she was traveling to. Should you like her name, I will be glad to get you in contact with her. Maybe she can help you in your situation.
I don’t have MS but wondering if aside from trying to walk the aisles as much as you can on the flight, you book a premium economy seat so you have a bit more legroom and width of seat to reposition yourself with more ease. If heat helps relieve spasms, a Robax heatwrap or Thermacare product may be soothing, stay hydrated as you know. If the lobg wait at the airport prior to flight is tiring, would some time in the mini spa outlet which are in most major airports help? Whether you had a gentle neck/upper back massge or, a manicure, the abilty to relax in their spa chair for a break may ease your muscles perhaps? Just some thoughts....best wishes!
Thank you all for your suggestions!