I have been reading posts and everyone seems to be a hardy soul in
this forum. has anyone not have a niggling thought of maybe postponing
the trip? just curious. I read an article of rick steves' about living
normal lives and not let the bad guys win.
I tend to be a little more argumentative on the subject. Not that I think there is any particularly unnecessary danger, but because some, in my humble opinion, tend to be a little reckless with other people’s welfare and demeaning of the emotions of others.
“I felt perfectly safe” is often heard. I would imagine that those killed in the blast felt safe as well. Then personally, while sitting on an inverted 5-gallon plastic pail on the side of a Croatian road, feeling perfectly safe, was told that quite often those pails mark land mine locations. So feeling is good cause you want to feel good on vacation; but never mistake it for reality.
Then there is the tendency to throw around statistics comparing the entire US against one city in France. Sorry, but my life style only takes me to places in the US that are as safe or safer than any place in the world. So that’s not really valid either. AND, I just discovered that if you were in Paris in 2015 your odds of having been a victim of terrorism was in the neighborhood of 20 in 100,000. But none of this means anything if you "feel" safe.
How about “I am an experienced traveler so …” I have been at my profession for 35+ years, have been enormously successful at it, and to this day I still learn what I never knew I didn’t know. I guess learning the world is easier in 12 weeks over 10 years than learning my profession.
"I am not going to let them beat me....." Well I go on vacation for enjoyment not to express testosterone levels. If standing up to evil is so important, why aren't you visiting and supporting the Kurds in Iraq or protesting in front of the Russian embassy in Kyiv or volunteering in a camp in Turkey or .... ? I actually choose locations from time to time for similar reasons. I love it. I stood up to world hatred by getting drunk in a 5 star Paris restaurant.
Then there is probably the truth, that the odds of you being in the wrong place at the wrong time while visiting most of Europe are such that, in my world at least, the tiny, tiny, tiny additional risk isn’t an issue. If my kids were still young maybe I would skip Brussels and Ukraine right now as I would owe my kids a higher level of responsibility. But at my place in life, neither are an issue.
Finally and really the only thing that counts, there is the “you” factory. If YOU are uncomfortable, know that you have every right to be uncomfortable and you don’t have to explain it to anyone. It’s a vacation for goodness sakes and for what it costs you dang sure better enjoy it. If any of those places, make you feel uncomfortable stay home or do some research and find a place that does make you comfortable; and don’t be ashamed or afraid or ridiculed for the factors that add or detract from your comfort level. Maybe change your post to “What do you believe to be the safest locations in Europe” that will start a riot and a lot of name calling.
Your question is subjective as well it should be. So be wary of anyone who has “the” answer.