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Any scam alerts for Dublin??

I've always relied on this site to keep me informed on the scams... like the gypsies in Italy, the coin and bird poop in Paris, etc.

I always keep an eye out for my stuff in the crowd, and wear my moneybelt... so I am not worried about my pack/pocket.

Is there anything I should be aware of in Dublin?

Posted by
75 posts

We encountered no scams of any kind during our trip. Enjoy -- Dublin is a great place and we had a blast.

Posted by
780 posts

Why not check out the Rick Steves graffiti wall and do a control F search for Dublin and see if anythings been posted?

I did that for London and found a few things.

Posted by
12172 posts

Never let someone buy you a pint unless you plan to buy them the next round. It's considered rude to drink your pint and leave without returning the gesture.

Not really a scam but something to keep in mind.

Posted by
2193 posts

ATM skimmers are becoming more problematic everywhere, including in Ireland. Ensure that the card slot isn’t retrofitted with a skimmer (plastic electronic reader that captures info from the magnetic strip) before placing your card in the machine. These devices are attached with two-sided tape. Also, cover the keypad with your free hand to conceal your PIN number when typing. A small camera inconspicuously placed (e.g. in a pamphlet holder) is used to capture your PIN number. All of this data can be stored on a card, sent to a laptop, sent to a mobile phone, etc. Thieves can quickly make a copy of your card and access your back account. ATMs in tourist areas are favored, but skimmers have been found on major bank brand machines in branch office lobbies.

Posted by
638 posts

In one word "Leprechans", keep an eye out for them, it's Ireland after all!

Posted by
2349 posts

Oh, Barry, I'd resisted that joke for a week now!

Posted by
638 posts

I couldn't help, it was just sitting there, would a Leprechan resist?

Posted by
445 posts

Not a scam but.....I have always found that if I stopped to ask an Irishman on a rural road(like a farmer) directions or about how long it would take me to reach a certain place...I got a really funny
and grossly inaccurate reply!!!!

I would suggest asking questions in a town, at a petrol station, etc.

I guess it is just part of the fun of being in Ireland!!!

Posted by
525 posts

My husband and I have been to Ireland 3 times. AND, we have gotten lost...We were never given the wrong directions, we've even had people get in their car to direct us. They are eager to talk with you. The buying a pint for you and returning the favor is a "natural" thing. They are being polite so you should be polite also. We LOVE Ireland and the residents. Just be aware of your surroundings as you would anywhere else. Enjoy your visit.